To initially clear things up, I'll be the male in this RP. Title says the main gist of it. I want to get an in-depth RP going that's entirely focused on survival. The setting can really be anything. Post apoc' world, zombies, spin-off of a video game (Star Wars, Fallout, Warcraft, Elder Scrolls, ect.), or a survival scene that's built up in a universe established by a book series. I have several ideas in my head, but it's extremely early in the morning right now (2 am as I'm typing this up) and would rather find someone who's interested in the same base-idea as me and work up an idea from the bottom-up. I do not care for the length of posts. The quality is all that matters. Two paragraphs a post is good enough for me. All I ask is that attention to detail, character growth and development, and a good idea of what we're doing is put into each post. Mature themes will be present if you want them to be. I'll write nearly anything and everything, so long as there's ample reason for it to be present in the RP.