[b]Noreille d'Amélie[/b] "Does it not have a big desert, though? I vaguely remember seeing one on an old map." Noreille commented, seemingly unaware of the fact that she herself had a tanned complexion, one that people would probably associate with hotter climate. "Not that I have been to there... I am mostly a resident of the city, working here as a mechanic and guard, so to speak." Soon, the conversation was cut short, as a young reporter entered the scene and introduced himself to her. After another smile, Noreille extended her unworked hand towards Hunter and made a gentle handshake. "My name is Noreille [i]d'Amélie[/i], it is my pleasure to meet you, mister. Both the weather and the people are perfect for the occasion, and as far as I can tell, there are no mysterious Mobile Suits rampaging around, so I would say it is performing its intended purpose well."