[b]Hunter S. Marlowe[/b] "Indeed, Miss d'Amélie, it is a great day for the event. I do appreciate your input," Hunter replied to the young woman, "If you wouldn't, I'm sure our readers would be very interested in knowing what brings you out to this event, and perhaps what you've enjoyed the most so far?" Hunter asked, trying to gain a little more information, after all every viewpoint helped in the drafting of a story. Turning his attention back to Christoph, Hunter couldn't help but sigh, "Come on mate, you've always got something for me. Tell me what's the latest Commonwealth secret? The newest Mobile Suit in production, any little detail helps man." Hunter pleaded of his "informant." Acquiring more knowledge was a quintessential part of being a reporter, and Hunter was well aware that sometimes one had to pry a little before getting the information they desired. However he was also sure that Christoph had to know something.