Sorry i'm late. :) Here is my CS. [b]Name:[/b] Theron [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Theron] [img=] Face [img=] [/hider] [b]Bio:[/b] Theron is a world renown assassin, extremely skilled in swordmanship and in the art of killing. He was born in a village that was raided and burned down by orcs when he was 9 years old. He was found by a stranger wondering in the forest. The man felt pitty for the young Theron, taking him under his protective wing and teaching him how to exploit his senses, eye sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. He also taught Theron how to use a sword. When Theron was 22 he and the stranger that was like a father to him all these years parted ways, with the man saying that Theron no longer needs to learn anything anymore. Theron however, who became very attached to the man begged him and in the end convinced him not to leave him alone. Not long after that though the man was killed after he and Theron were attacked by a group of misterious killers, probably bandits or something. That's when Theron snapped and became upset with the world. He started using his skills, becoming a very good assassin, with a perfect record, that never missed his target. [b]Personality:[/b] Theron is a man that suffered much in this life and because of that he has grown into a hateful and impulsive person. He enjoys killing and torture but has a soft spot for women. When doing his job he is very serious, concentrated and determined. He is loyal only to himself and trusts no one, not even those that pay him to kill. [b]Faction:[/b] Assassin, whoever pays the most for his services. [b]Gift:[/b] Gift of Ashar [b]Weapon(s) of choice:[/b] [url=]Two broad swords[/url], [url=]a dagger[/url] and [url=]a couple of throwing knives[/url]. [b]Relationship/loved ones?:[/b] Single, parents dead. [b]Other:[/b] Although he has no idea that he possesses the gift of Ashar, Theron is a devout follower and prays to her everyday.