After Henry settles into the limo with the rest of you, the chauffeur closes the back door and disappears to the driver's side, and after a few moments, you all hear the vehicle being started. The window dividing your section and the driver is heavily tinted, making it impossible to see out the front of the car. But the windows along the sides show your departure from the curb of the airport as the driver begins the journey. You pass through the busy city first, encountering honks and shouts that you cannot understand. The buildings are tall and the sun reflects off their surfaces; if it weren't for the foreign signs, you'd have thought you were merely having a drive through a city in your home land. After the city, the driver takes an exit onto a highway that seemed to stretch on forever. The landscape is beautiful and green, although eventually you begin to see some snow creeping across the surface. Finally, the car takes a turn and the smooth concrete turns into the subtle roughness of a dirt path. This is a one way only street, and on either side of the car you can see just the trunks of towering trees among the shrubbery. By now, the sun is mostly hidden away, so that when you finally break through the trees into an open clearing, it is bathed in a purple-orange tinged light. The car goes on for another hundred feet, then turns its hood to face east, and to your excitement, the Woll Manor finally comes into view through the windows behind the mini bar. You hear the driver kill the engine, step out of the limo, and close his door before coming to the back to open the passenger's one. He steps away in a small bow and gestures for you all to exit the vehicle. "Welcome, misters and misses, to the Woll Manor," he says in that monotonous voice as he straightens up again. You all pile out of the car and are immediately hit with the cold, fresh air and the grandeur of the entire place. The car had stopped in the gravel of the huge clearing, which eventually gently slopped down and turned into grass with smatterings of snow. In the center of the grass field was a magnificent marble statue of two angels standing side by side, one pointing east while the other points west towards the woods that surrounded the Manor. Occasionally you hear the soft rumbling of water nearby, though you can't yet see where it is coming from. And of course, as you face north, you feast your eyes on the large, Victorian-esque building that was to be your home for the next few weeks. The chauffeur lets you drink all of it in for a few minutes before clearing his throat. "If you would all follow me, please. Your carry-ons will be taken to your rooms after you." Then he sets off towards the Manor, whose lanterns at the front entrance have already been lit to welcome you.