Jax by this point had had enough, the guy wanted to be alone, fine then, he can be alone and Jax turned to start walking before Steve continued talking after asking to be alone: "This is the perfect time to be alone! You... you saw.... didn't you? I'm a monster! There are mutants here who complain because they can't turn off their powers, they're jealous of people like me who have "pretty" mutations. How can people call THIS pretty!" Jax just shook his head and calmly responded to the now distraught Steve. "You a monster? Because your ability is your blood? A power in and by itself does not make a monster, it is the choices of how to use that power makes the monster, kid and I never said it was pretty did I?" Something started to happen, Blood was seeping out from him in a controlled (but unwanted) way as Steve began to talk about blood lust - this shy kid having a hunger for blood? Nah, not possible - but as Jax was seeing and thinking a mask began to form, but only got half way before Steve ripped it off, returning him to normal. He once more asked for peace, which Jax was more then willing to do, but had only taken a few steps when Steve had tripped over something...a body which was in the process of bleeding out, which once more freaked Steve out, it seemed the kid was struggling with himself as if he wanted to taste the blood or not, half wanting to, half not, the half that wanted to in the end won out as he tasted some of the blood, which seemed to spark a new personality (as far as Jax could tell) and this one was not as sedated as Steve appeared to be. Did this new Steve want to fight or add to the chaos engulfing the mansion - the only way was to wait and see what he would do...