Through everything that was going on around him Caelan wasn't sure if he could pull his part off. Binding a man the size of Onyx didn't sound like an easy plan at all, but if everyone else was committed then he'd give it his all too. As spells were thrown out and Nayrin dropped onto the man's back he already had water ready, tossing it out and quickly crystallizing it at Onyx's feet. In a matter of seconds he had a thick sheet of ice holding their enemy in place, hopefully it was enough to pin him down. After his part was done Link followed up with an impressive shot of his own, managing to both damage Onyx and send him over the side of the bridge. From hectic to oddly calm Caelan dropped his arms at his side, panting despite having a small smile on his face. No way it could be that easy, could it? Boy he had a headache right now... How much more magic was he going to have to use? Caelan expected there to be more, nonetheless he groaned involuntarily when Onyx reappeared, angrier than ever. Wonderful, so all their little barrage managed to do was irritate the beast of a man. Damn it, this really was the lousiest situation he;d been in quite some time. Just to drive home how sorry of an attempt that had been Onyx began to retaliate, throwing out powerful attacks of his own. By chance everyone managed to either dodge or evade the strikes, but even so they indicated a power perhaps larger than they had first realized. Being turned on by the enemy Caelan swallowed nervously, quickly calling forth more water as well. He had only just withdrawn it when Onyx created a mighty gust of wind, probably trying to blast them off the bridge. Unable to help the others so quickly all he could do was rend an ice wall before himself, hoping to block the gusts. Having made it so quickly his defenses were fairly weak, and as he heard the ice crackling he raised his arms to cover his face, wincing as ice pelted him when the wall broke. Near being thrown off of his feet the mage was blown back a few meters, coming to a gradual halt when he near collided with Link. "Come on... This guy has that much power...?" Even if Onyx had to cut through soldiers like they had Caelan got the notion he'd still be every bit as powerful. This was a far cry from fighting the typical monsters, or treasure hunters that he was accustomed to. Seriously, just what in the world was he in the middle of. They were likely far from done and already he felt exhausted, mentally and physically. Using so much magic took a toll on his mind in a big way, he just wanted to lie down and go to bed at this point. Glancing down at himself he saw several small cuts and nicks on his person, a result of the ice shattering and cutting him. Nothing serious, he could wait until after the battle to heal, IF they got to that point. Hopefully his allies were in okay condition to continue as well. Seeing Link cowering at his side Caelan frowned, that wasn't going to help at all. He couldn't blame the kid, he was pretty close to that point himself. "Hey, Link, pick yourself up. Come on, we need you," he said, looking back at Onyx, "And all the blessings of the Godesses probably..."