"He's dead," Aidan said slowly. He found the right key and undid her chains, but she barely looked strong enough to stand. "Can you walk?" he asked her. "If you want to live, you'll need to get off the ship. Me and the others have been ordered to kill every man on board, but, well, you're not a man." He chuckled a little. Faint sounds of the fighting above were drifting through the open door, screams and clashes of swords and gunshots. "I need to go," he stated curtly, looking down on the girl. She was nothing to him, and yet, he wondered if he was supposed to protect her. Weren't men supposed be chivalrous and protect the weak? He didn't know. Him and his crewmates would look out for each other, yes, but he'd never protected anyone before. Suddenly he wished someone would tell him what to do. "Do you... do you need some help?" he found himself asking reluctantly.