After two minutes, the cynical young girl came to the realisation that trying to read and focus on the words was simply improbable with all this noise around her. Whether it be arguably stupider witches and wizards simply being late or the bustling youngsters beginning to fill her train, she simply couldn't keep her mind at heel. It also didn't help that that mud-blood Tai decided to be rather unsavoury. That's what she had come to, after she realised that facing Ailsa head-on in a duel would turn unfortunate for her. So, she seemed to relent in swarming herself with other various mongrel hooligans and Ailsa had no choice but to seek them out individually and deal with them. And as fun as that sounds, Ailsa didn't always escape completely unscathed. With a sigh, she raised her eyes from her book to notice someone coming in. Someone. Coming. Into. Her. Cart? This was intolerable, unforgivable and completely annoying but she couldn't help but eye him up. Not in that manner of course, even if he wasn't particularly hard on the eyes. He looked tough, Quidditch jock, maybe? She would know him if that was the case but it didn't seem to be and it only served to entice her more. Who was he? Well, the book probably confirmed her feelings about the Quidditch jock. Quidditch through the ages? [i]Ugh[/i], she knew seven-year-olds who read that. Still though, he looked mildly useful - he was pretty tall and had a bit of a dark look about him. Well, at least she would have a Rottweiler if Tai came a knocking anytime on the train. Dropping her book down onto the chair beside her, she looked out the window for a minute or two before her gaze turned and focused on him. "House?" She inquired with a raised eyebrow as she wheeled around to look at him.