9 o'clock at night. The gas lamps flickered in the streets of Birmingham, the soft sound of a grammerphone playing a lighthearted ditty in the distance could faintly be heard. Several people were descending on the location, several people with extraordinary powers. The building in question was a little pub simply called "The Old Crown." A man with a top hat walked through and nodded to the barman, before walking into a room in the back, the room was [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/261/8/8/victorian_room_by_sanfranguy-d4zyw90.jpg]Large, with a bookcase and piano, there were a pair of sofa's and a giant fireplace with a relatively small fire.[/url] The man sat down at the piano and his fingers began to flex before he began playing a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3FvJSPMzjI]light song.[/url] He awaited whilst curiosity lured the new heroes of the world like bee's to honey. The curiosity being the contents of a letter that each of them had received. [hider=Von Parker's Letter]Dear Mr Peter Von Parker I hope that this letter finds you in good spirits. You may not be aware of who I am, but I am very much aware of your activities, late at night in New York city. Please rest assured that you are in no trouble for your actions, however, you are not the exception to the danger that currently threatens us all. For security reasons, the danger in question cannot be discussed in this letter. Enclosed, you will find a return ticket to England on the luxury cruise liner [i]RMS Empress of China[/i]. You will also find a return ticket to ensure you that this is not merely a boner being pulled by a rapscallion. We will be meeting at 9:30 on the night of the 25th of september, in the back room of [i]The Old Crown[/i] pub in Birmingham. Yours Faithfully: Inspector D.G.[/hider] [hider=Benjamin's Letter]Dear Mr Benjamin Kirby Tennyson. I write with the best of intentions to inform you that your actions most recently in the Yorkshire and Greater Manchester Area have not gone un-noticed by both reputable and unreputable factions that vie for control. It saddens me to hear that you are well aware of the less reputable factions, but I represent their adversaries. If you are interested in answers, as well as a chance to assist in the defense of all that is good and descent, I would ask that you meet me. We will be meeting at 9:30 on the night of the 25th of september, in the back room of [i]The Old Crown[/i] pub in Birmingham. Yours Faithfully: Inspector D.G.[/hider] [hider=HRM Princess Leia's Letter]Dear Your Royal Majesty Princess Leia of the Realm. It is with the greatest of pride and honour that I write to you, the knowledge that you have taken busy time out of your life to read the words I write is most welcome to my heart. As a member of the Royal Family of the British Empire, I know that you serve the people as a member of their governing body, that distributes the power and wealth of this great empire evenly and justly. I write to ask that you assist in another service to your people, one that could save a great many lives if successful... And if not successful, will cost even more. You must understand that for security reasons, we will not be We will be meeting at 9:30 on the night of the 25th of september, in the back room of [i]The Old Crown[/i] pub in Birmingham. Please come alone and warning only His Royal Highness Edward VII of England, as he is the only person that you may trust without question. We will be meeting at 9:30 on the night of the 25th of september, in the back room of [i]The Old Crown[/i] pub in Birmingham. Yours Faithfully: Inspector D.G.[/hider] [hider=Genie's Letter]Dear Mr Genie It is better that you do not ask how we acquired your contact information, and even better if you would merely accept my invitation to the back room of [i]The Old Crown[/i] pub in Birmingham, at 9:30 on the night of the 25th of september. We believe you possess certain qualities that can be used for the betterment of mankind. Yours Faithfully: Inspector D.G.[/hider] [hider=Booker's Letter]Dear Mr "Booker" Dewitt We are well aware of your sudden appearance in this world as well as your hailing from another. This is information that has been confirmed, checked and double checked by my sources, but I personally question the validity. I have many questions, but I suspect that you might have more... If you are interested in assisting the world, as you have assisted the people of Columbia, then we will be meeting at 9:30 on the night of the 25th of september, in the back room of [i]The Old Crown[/i] pub in Birmingham. Yours Faithfully: Inspector D.G.[/hider] [hider=Niklaus' Letter]Dear Mr Niklaus Mikaelson. I will begin by saying that I believe that the works of Mr Bram Stoker are pure fiction, and that creatures of the night that drain the blood of men are purely stories to scare children, but I do believe that you possess a power that can assist both yourself and the rest of this world that you are a part of. I wish to reinforce the fact that a war is coming, and that whether you accept this fact or not, there is no doubt that you will become swept up in it. We will be meeting at 9:30 on the night of the 25th of september, in the back room of [i]The Old Crown[/i] pub in Birmingham. I do ask that you come, as it will be for your benefit. Yours Faithfully: Inspector D.G.[/hider] [hider=Constantine's Letter]Dear Mr Jonathon Constantine I am writing to inform you of the eyes that are on you. Magic is an art that allows one to see much, but it also draws the eyes of the world to it. So you were not difficult to track down. Knowing this, you will appreciate that less reputable forces are just as capable, if not more so, of tracking you down, as our legitimate organization. Mr Constantine, you have always been an ally of the Royal Family, and now I ask that you be an ally to their ally. If you accept, then we will be meeting at 9:30 on the night of the 25th of september, in the back room of [i]The Old Crown[/i] pub in Birmingham. Yours Faithfully: Inspector D.G.[/hider] [hider=Elmer Fudd's Letter]Dear Mr Elmer J. Fudd. Mr Fudd, the reasoning behind your recent investments perplex me. Why a millionaire of your stature would choose to seclude himself in the woods is a puzzling choice of movement. But as you have always been a firm supporter of legitimate orginizations that assist all that is good and descent in this world. I wish to ask you if you will join me at 9:30 on the night of the 25th of september, in the back room of [i]The Old Crown[/i] pub in Birmingham, England. I do realize that you are not a person to get on the wrong side of, so I assure you that I write with the utmost respect, and ask that you bring Dorothy. Yours Faithfully: Inspector D.G.[/hider] He waited for a familiar rapping on the chamber door, as Edgar Allen Poe had awaited a raven to do the same.