[center][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d1/Coat_of_arms_of_the_United_States_of_Brazil.svg/395px-Coat_of_arms_of_the_United_States_of_Brazil.svg.png[/img][/center] [centre][b]Congress' Response to President Campos Sales's Response to the Four Civil Wars.[/b][/centre] [i]"Why is Mr. Sales willing to join four completely different civil wars, that have nothing to do with us? I mean, if Sales is trying to get his second term, he isn't doing a good job of it and in fact, I believe that the people will hate him for this. For one, the Boer War is in Africa, where those negroes are better off as slaves to the country than being able to run on. [b][Cries of booing began and then shouting, but some were clapping][/b]. And you better don't let me talk about those Chinese, I mean half of the time, I don't know what they are saying and it goes like this: Ching chang chong. [b][Cries of booing get louder and one member tells him to leave the building][/b]. Yeah, Yeah, I will leave in a bit, but I'm going to vote against entering the four civil wars. The Americans, British, and Coulumbians can defend their lands or colonies against those rebels. Thank you all for letting me spreak, have a good day. [b][Cries of booing began once more and then it ended as soon as he left the room][/b]. [/i] [centre][b][/b][/centre] [i][b][/b][/i] [i][All of the letter, speeches, and articles were translated by the Pernambuco Daily and Journal of the Brazil][/i].