Tai glanced up, peering at Sylvia blankly for a moment, her expression falling into a frown. This look of dislike wasn't to do with herself, it was just one of the eccentric quirks that needed time and patience to figure out. In Sylvia's case, she's clearly be able to understand that this expression wasn't dislike towards her, it was just a dislike towards everyone else who could try to enter if she unlocked the carriage door for her. [i][b]"Alohomora."[/i][/b] The door clicked, and Tai flicked her wand a little; the carriage door slid open smoothly to allow Sylvia entrance into Tai's little sanctum. Merlin, Tai's cat, hesitated and turned bright blue eyes to peer at Sylvia; again, another little sign that Tai prefers her own privacy, if her pet seems stunned by her owner allowing entrance to somebody else. Merlin relaxed after he noticed it was just Syliva, however, and went back to playing with the bright yellow birds. [i]"I suppose you had an alright holiday? Got all your homework done?"[/i] asked Tai, not keeping her eyes off the yellow birds. [i]"Lock the door after you, I might have irritated Ailsa already."[/i] she added as an afterthought. The corners of her mouth twitched.