A W.I.P as well. [center] Name of organization: The Think Tank Name of organization's leader: A Cabal of IT Company executives Name of Associate(s) and specialization(s): Type of Organization: Economic Conglomerate *Loyalty: 2 *Efficiency: 2 *Mobility: 2 *Level of Professionalism: 2 *Access to Equipment: 2 *Access to Finances: 5 *Access to New Technologies: 2 *Access to New Recruits: 2 *Ease of Concealment: 1 Ideology and Philosophy of the organization: Technocracy, plutocracy Prefered methodology of Organization to accomplish their task: Bribery, money makes the world go round, Psychological and sociological tests, eventful distractions, Organization's headquarters: California, USA History of organization: The Think Tank was formed in the 1980's by corporate executives from several IT companies, such as Google, Apple, and other big businesses. Based in California, their organization exists for the purpose of making money, as well as the advancement. Social media is particularly used for this as the Think Tank expands it's reach and influence throughout the globe with the aid of the internet. Now, their resources are devoted to psychological and social experiments into the human psyche, with the end goal being the control of humanity through the manipulation of the human mind, in terms of historical interpretation, wants, and desires. They are uninvolved in politics beyond how it affects their access to markets and the reach of their cabal, but they aren't above messing in a country's internal affairs as part of their tests. Ultimate objective of the organization: Science, wealth, control of humanity [/center]