With her attack successful she had no reason to stay so close that his counter attack would be able to hit her. She was already leaping backwards on her powerful rabbit legs the moment of her feeling the flesh tearing satisfactorily underneath her claws. He was indeed quick to resort to violence turned against her, but even so he still had to both react to her attack and spin around to slice at her, causing him to only be fast enough to make a small diagonal graze across her abdomen; a flesh wound that she should would pay no heed too with her adrenaline running. Seeing his swing leaving him wide open she sprung forward as he feet touched the ground from her previous dodge. She wanted to finish him off quickly so she could get his sword in case she had to fight some of the other guys pretty soon. With the hand closest to where the swing had moved to she slashed at his wrists while the other hand tries to slash at his chest to cause even further damage.