Carlton walked past Rita with the body of the woman draped over his shoulder as she walked past him back into the room and picked up what appeared to be the suicide notes on the floor of the bathroom. Carlton carefully climbed down the stairs making sure that the body never got in front of his vision and blocked view of his feet so he could place each step with care and precision. He closed his eyes as he reached the bottom and shook his head.. It was moments like these which made Carlton question why he was here in the first place. But no, he could not be thinking this way.. thoughts like these are just ones that lead him down paths which lead back to the same night he had repeated far too many times over in his head. Rita was now down the stairs and passed Carlton with the notes and stuffed them into his back pocket, "I can't read this, you gonna dig a hole? It's dark already", she carried on. Carlton turned to her as he rest the body on the sofa in the living room. "You're right, it's getting too late already.. I'm gonna leave her here for now and then dig the hole in the morning.. It was a long trip out here and this kind of thing has taken it out of me already. I'll have a look at these notes if you want to shower?" Rita appeared to nod as Carlton grabbed the notes from his back pocket. There was a large handful of them and the first one read as he expected, "Sorry my love, I cannot bare this world any longer. Take care of Anna for me, signed Jill." Carlton sighed as he shook his head, How could any mother be so cowardly to leave their own child motherless? Carlton had his life ripped for him so he had little respect for those that would take their own so easily. However, once he began to scan through the rest of the notes.. It suddenly started to make his heart pound a lot harder. The notes were not of someone taking their own life.. But of fear of those around them. The notes described that the neighbors were slowly become aware of her presence and how she wouldn't be around much longer.. Eventually the notes devolved into the same message over and over. The same suicide note that started with "Sorry my Love.." but the letters became more distorted and disfigured as he quickly scanned from note to note, almost chucking each one aside.. "SORRY MY LOVE SORRY MY LOVE SORRY MY LOVE SORRY MY LOVE SORRY MY LOVE SORRY MY LOVE SORRY MY LOVE SORRY MY LOVE " The last note was covered in the same phrase uttered over and over to the point that there was no white left on the paper except between the letters themselves. Carlton was no longer tired.. He was terrified. He needed to tell Rita about this.