"Not to mention the technology it's based on is relatively outdated, and its maneuverability leaves something to be desired" trailed a voice off to the side. Emily Won had spent the earlier parts of the day strolling through the booths and exhibits, sizing up the mobile suits and equipment each faction had put on display. There was still a couple hours before she was needed again at the ESF's display, and she intended to make good use of her time before she had to be on-duty again. "For a mass-produced suit on the front line, it does its job. When compared to some of the newer designs being rolled out, though, you could do better." Emily pointed to the Rustung towering above her. "It's got an impressive beam arsenal, but that's to be expected of just about any current-gen mobile suit. If was only modernized a little, you'd have an even better performing machine. Newer internals and electronics packages and a lighter alloy would do well to improve on its design." As if to apologize for her intrusion and criticism of the Rustung, Emily quickly added, "But I'm sure the Sandesgeist Military gets by just fine with them, doesn't it?" The ESF pilot flashed her companions a smile.