Ja ended up getting away from the Thalmor port authority after ten minutes of weaving through back alleys. He had eventually hidden amongst a group of drunken sailors that greeted him as one of their own. When the Thalmor questioned them about the Ja, they all looked offended, almost as if they really believed the Khajiit was part of their group, and the thought of him trying to steal from anyone was ridiculous. Not wishing to start a fight, the port authority continued on, still looking for Ja. Ja thanked his brief comrades and continued through the back alleys towards the tavern. In the alley beside the tavern, Ja climbed up the trash pile under his window and jumped up and grabbed the window sill. He barely managed to pull himself up and fell into the room, gasping. After a few moments, he got up and took all the remaining coin purses from his stash. a total of about 1,200 septims. After he took all his money, he walked downstairs, hoping that no one would notice he hadn't been downstairs at all. Everyone was absorbed in their drinks tonight, and were ignoring most everyone else. Ja nodded to the waiter, the same Khajiit from earlier, and left the tavern. As Ja walked down the street, he wondered what he was going to do. He had a chance at a job, but made an ass of himself [i]again[/i]. Thinking about it, he knew that if he hadn't had so many drinks he might've kept his head. As he neared the docks, his eyes began scanning the ships, hoping to see the Argonian from earlier so he could at least attempt to apologize for his making an ass out of himself. Once at the docks, he noticed a ship he recognized to be of Imperial make, though it had been stripped down and was under refitting. He was about to continue his search when he noticed the Argonian was on board the ship, addressing the crew. "[i] Ah shit. She's the captain.[/i]" He had thought about it, but the idea had never really stuck in his head. "[i]I'll just wait. She seems to be busy.[/i]" Ja sat down out of everyone's way and waited for the Argonian to finish what she was doing.