Eve was surprised by the expanse of tunnels under the city. It explained how the titans were able to appear anywhere in the city without the bad guys seeing them coming. She felt anxious about the training, the Titans training course had to be very extreme to keep them in shape to fight criminals like the Cinderblock all the time. Eve was confident in her dodging skills as she was very limber and reacted quickly to threats. Her attack patterns were text book making them very predictable and she had trouble improvising. Eve had never wielded a weapon before, but could learn easily enough by studying manuals or downloading the appropriate data to her muscle memory. She wondered where she could get replacement parts and upgrades for her internal systems since the organization she came from was gone. Probably Cyborg could help her out with that, turning to him she asked "[u]Could you help with my internal diagnostics? My machinery is inside and hard to reach, but I think there's an access port on the base of my skull. It's been 6 months 1 week 3 days 5 hours 32 minutes and 47 seconds since my last scan and I would like to get it done soon. I'm also curious about what training you have in mind for us, I've never had any formal training before... I think.[/u]"