Carl stepped out of cover again, striding towards a small group of fighters who just wouldn't give up. He spat rounds from his 249 accurately, gunning down fighters as he went. He didn't see it immediately when he felt a kick against his leg. His knee locking up, and he dropped to one knee. One of the fighters having bought out an RPK LMG. He had it braced against a low wall and was spitting rounds out of it's drum mag at the Juggernaut. Carl growled, reaching up, pulling three grenades off his harness, pulling all the pins and rolling the frags along the ground into the midst of the men. He tucked, raising his arms over his head, and lowering his head. The frags went off, obliterating the men behind cover. Carl could feel shrapnel pinging off his armor. As the fire, dust and noise died off he looked up and scanned the area. No one left. He heard some groaning, a few of the fighters sounded hurt. He didn't really spare a moment. These guys had done far far worse. One man to bleed out slowly and painfully is just one little bit of payback for what they caused so far. Victor stood in the courtyard. He'd stopped firing as it seemed most of the resistance had either been killed off, driven out, or were now encountering the military elements coming into the area. He turned slow circles. His USAS12s held out on either side of him, he trusted to his radar and optical HUD to tell him if there was anything else he needed to shoot at. He almost looked like some deity. Arms outstretched and blessing the masses of dead. He finished his turn, facing toward Natalie, "Gods that we are luv. We cleaned house today." He almost purred as he returned the kiss she planted on his lips after removing the faceplate. He grinned as he turned around at the man sitting against a wall. Victor nodded, a somewhat evil grin on his face, "Yep...he's going to tell the tale. I'm going to drag him with us until we reach an area we can dump him and his friends can pick him up. He won't life unless he gets a doctor within the next 5 hours. And I don't think his friends can get that in time. But he'll have enough time to tell them just what we and our little friends." He gestured to Jenny, Carl and Ross as they approached them. "Can do. See what I'm saying? I think the other side, will be very wary when it comes time for them to do something else. Who knows what will come their way. They will have to keep their best on alert and stretch their elite thin to combat us." Carl took up the rear in the little column of three that made up the Military Juggernauts. He walked over and clasped Victor's arm in a warriors clasp. Grasping the bigger man's wrist. Victor returning the gesture. Carl nodded, "We did do good didn't we? This was incredible. The rumours we hear about you two out in the wild is incredible. And then seeing what you did in Brussels. Honor to work with you." Nolan lead the way into the base. Followed close by Andrew. His rifle slung over his shoulder. Nolan's face is cover in a fine dusting of sand and dirt. The blast from the rifle kicking it up each shot. He walked over to the group, then hopped up into a barrel, "Incredible, truly incredible, you all are like virtuosos of destruction. I'm flabbergasted." Victor grinned, walking over to his meatbag that he intends to use as a statement. Picking up the man and slinging the bleeding man across his shoulders, "Take care gentleman and lady. We'll be in touch." He then followed Natalie out the gate. Making for their chinook. Carl shook his head and slapped Ross on the shoulder, "Need some aloe for that burn man?" He grinned, "Eyeing up another man's woman. That would get you killed in some places." He laughed softly. Victor stepped up onto the chinook, "Pilot, swing us out towards enemy territory on our way back, I have a present here I want to leave to these guys." Victor offered Natalie a hand up into the Chinook, "You know if you wanted to frighten that Captain back there, you could have just drawn your cannon on him." He laughed deeply.