[img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/105/b/3/wolf_hunt_by_thaoiiees-d61u27p.jpg] Name: Amber Jones Age: 16 Personality: Amber is a feisty girl who doesn't give up easily. She enjoys a good fight every now and then and enjoys hunting and running through the woods. Bio: Amber was raised like a boy in a way. She still has a slight girly side but her father and older brothers taught her to fight and hunt. She enjoys those things especially when it comes to hunting wolves who attack the families livestock. She has been known to get into fights with humans and wildlife alike. It is just who she is. Weaknesses: Fire, Storms, and mention of her sister who was killed by a wolf Strengths: Hand to Hand combat, aim with a gun, and running/climbing trees Other: -N/A-