[center]Ixion Farbright[/center] The blue haired teen watched in bated breath at the small pause that followed the demon's disappearance. When Ase turned around, however, his shoulders visibly relaxed. Surely she would know if it left, and her turning her back meant that it really was gone. The two made brief eye contact, Ixion offering a small smile that faltered in his eyes. There was something... wrong. He was already walking towards her when blood started to seep over her porcelain white skin, his footsteps speeding to a light jog landing before her right after she'd gotten up... then promptly collapse. "Ase," he said rather than asked, holding her tentatively. He glanced up at the sound of clattering and loud squeaks, his armored hand rising just in time to prevent the wheelchair riding girl from sweeping by them. "Hey now, hey now," he scolded over his shoulder, to a Hunter that was wrapped up in a tirade, his peripheral catching sight of a pissed looking little blonde girl. His hold on Ase tightened, but idiots didn't know the meaning of anger, and his shoulders relaxed once more. Besides, the guy was right. Honestly, Ixion felt a bit bad that he wasn't a bit more... composed. And yes, he could've blamed it on fatigue, nerves, the blasted chills and headaches but... man, [i]everyone[/i] was on edge right now. And all Ixion seemed to manage with was staying in the backgrounds. He sighed inwardly as Jace's words washed over him simultaneously, his blue eyes following after the tamer as he stalked into the dorms once more, followed by the blonde. The shark boy volunteered the idea of a group meeting indoors, to which Ixion nodded in response. "That seems like a good plan," he replied, standing with grace, carrying Ase bridal style. He'd picked the little lady plenty of times before that day, but it'd been the first that he'd handled her with such fragility and and delicacy. It was almost as though she was weightless, he inwardly thought, wondering if her consciousness and bit of blood had added to her weight. "Hey, you," Ixion said to the girl with the horns, a polite smile on his face, "Eidnz, right? You can heal up Ase when we get inside." He nodded his head towards the dorms, starting for them, continuing with, "Come on, let's go." Upon entering the dorm building once more, the first comment he heard were the last slivers of Blake asking- "...check out the back, now?" "It should be fine," Ixion commented, making his way to the nearest couch, pushing it aside slightly with his foot to make room for the demon healer's wheelchair. "But if you guys are gonna check it out, better keep your phones on you. We don't want any... we need better communication." The teen took to kneeling by the couch Ase was on, waving the wheelchair bound classmate over to him before he added to Blake quickly, "Oh- but you guys shouldn't leave quite yet. Shar- Darius- wants a quick... chat." --- [center]Gabriel "Angel" Avlon[/center] "I think, I should help." Angel glanced at his partner, face full of obvious half-shock at how... uncharacteristically brazen she was. "Well, sure go-" started Angel ushering Sel'Ar along, only to be interrupted as someone practically shoved her away. "Hey!" shouted the blonde in indignation, his hands balling into fists, pausing only when an older, blue haired boy stopped Sel'Ar from free riding it out- and the accompanying glare also sort of did it. He was still pretty ticked off at the sniper that went off on a rant, though, and decided to rebel on his speech by not paying attention. His blue eyes rolled in annoyance as the taller male stormed off, pocketing his weapons back into his bag, starting off behind another, rather tall, probably much older teen. From behind he heard the small offer of a team meeting, but Angel reckoned he probably wouldn't be one invited. Children like him weren't even supposed to be in a situation like this. Angel decided to go to his room instead, opening it with a small, "I'm back," as a greeting, to a room mate that was in a field trip far away. Shutting the door behind him, Angel stripped himself of his bag, resting it by the bed, afterwards tugging at his pigtails, letting loose his long hair. Weary as he was, he still started to change out of his dirtied clothes, taking off his shirt with more effort than it usually took. Falling back onto his bed, Angel looked at his slightly scorched, dirtied, smudged shirt, his eyes trailing from it to the bruising skin on his stomach. No doubt under his socks he would have several as well, he reckoned, as he slipped off his shoes while scooting backwards till his back hit wall. He didn't want to be here. The only reason he even started that fight was because that dumbass wouldn't take no for an answer and kept trying to flip up his skirt. Sure, he threw the first punch, but the only outcome he expected was a detention at most. Sure, being left out of that field trip was a bummer, but this- heat blurred Angel's eyes, water glazing over their blue hue- this was awful. There was only so much a 'prodigy' could take, he shouted in his head, his teeth biting down on his lower lip to fight back the hiccups. Angel's ears burned, his nose watering as he sniffled back snot as quietly as he could, his back scratching against the wall as his shoulders shook. Tears rolled slowly down Angel's flushed cheeks, almost as slowly as his whimpers were soft. God, he prayed, his fingers clasped over his dirtied tee. [i]I just wanna go home.[/i] --- [center] "Yes, I helped out over at Platinum City's Academy," said a [url=http://www.zerochan.net/1062746]man[/url] that switched out a hole ridden coat for a new one, his attire still managing to be classy despite being plentifully bestrewn with ash and fading burns. "I just finished up over in Emerald, too. How is it back there?" Silence was met with the sudden noise of static, blurring out, "Fine- we managed to get rid of the Dangerous ones. We don't know what's happening, though. Do you....?" "Sadly, no," replied the older gentleman as he slipped on his gloves, "But I have a hunch. I'll help with cleanup over in Platinum later tonight. Have the people evacuated?" "No, the Origin died out too quickly for the situation to be Dire. Speaking of dying out too quickly, though..." "If you're talking about the mass homicides- if it could be even called that- yes, it's being investigated. In fact, it's only adding onto my hunch." "I see." There was a pause, followed by the soft clacking of heels as the man started for the door. His pocket hummed once more with static, following with muffled words- "Oh, and you should pick up some of the left over kids in the Platinum Academy. We got a call earlier when it happened." "Understood."[/center]