[b]"Supplies?"[/b] David started to warm up to this kid already, considering his own supply situation wasn’t satisfactory. He looked to the apartment building, apparently having two floors infested with walking corpses. David posted his hands on his hips and looked down, a sign he was delving into deep thought. After a few moments of silent pondering, David looked up. He tried to get a good idea of how many of the undead were sauntering around in the first few floors. He then shifted his gaze to the desolated automobiles littering the road. [b]”The road’s covered with busted up cars... Figure one of the horns still work?”[/b] He started to approach the nearest hunk of metal, then stopped himself and shook his head. David turned to Lee, silently scolding himself in his mind for failing to uphold his caution for even a moment. [b]”How much supplies are we talkin’ here?”[/b] He asked the boy.