[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/awnwZrV.png[/IMG] [b][i]"Get the hell out of here, you fool, before I rip your head off!"[/i] Klaus didn't have time for this drunken fool, he hated when vampires became drunk. They were belligerent idiots, attacking random people, in the middle of crowds. Being The King Of Vampires was sometimes nerve racking. Klaus became king after his brother was murdered by a werewolf. Usually a vampire could take a werewolf, with no problem. This werewolf had technology on it's side, they built a armor suit, vampire teeth could do nothing to it. Klaus had to end up waiting for the wolf to let down his guard, and then he shredded him to pieces. Being a hybrid, Klaus had the best of both vampires and werewolves, and a little bit of witch, thanks to his mother. After his brother's burial, he was named The King Of All Vampires. With that he became, the receiver of all their problems. [i]"Next time, you want to get drunk, and kill someone, I will drink every last drop of your blood, now get OUT!"[/i] His vampire minions through the drunk out of the castle. A vampire messenger ran into the double doors, he looked frantic and scared. [i]"Your Majesty...Sir...there was a man, he gave me this for you."[/i] Klaus motion for his bodyguards to let the frantic man through, he almost fell over, because he was so scared of Klaus. Klaus was known to castrate men for interrupting him, he was a king that was respected and feared. [i]"What is this?"[/i] Klaus motion for the man to leave him, and then Klaus opened the letter, it had a MI6 letter head on it. [i]"Dear Mr Niklaus Mikaelson. I will begin by saying that I believe that the works of Mr Bram Stoker are pure fiction, and that creatures of the night that drain the blood of men are purely stories to scare children, but I do believe that you possess a power that can assist both yourself and the rest of this world that you are a part of. I wish to reinforce the fact that a war is coming, and that whether you accept this fact or not, there is no doubt that you will become swept up in it. We will be meeting at 9:30 on the night of the 25th of September, in the back room of The Old Crown pub in Birmingham. I do ask that you come, as it will be for your benefit. Yours Faithfully: Inspector D.G."[/i] Klaus started to laugh, he doesn't believe in vampires, if only he knew what was out there. Klaus would agree to join, he didn't want this technology thing to get out of hand, then his kingdom would be ruined. Now he just needed to get to Birmingham. That wouldn't be to hard, being the King Vampire he had connections with all the vampires, and the ones in England owed him a favor anyway. [i]"Minions I'm off to go see an...old friend, in my absence, you well takeover for me, in New Orleans, I won't be gone for long, so don't let it get out of hand."[/i] After everything was prepared, Klaus set off for Birmingham and to find The Old Crown pub. It would take a few hours, vampires were fast, but not fast enough to make it, literally across the world in one hour. [/b][/center]