[B][U]Knitting Needles an Sailing Ships[/U][/B] Lacey sat down in the empty compartment and once she was settled opened her newest tome "Art of the Artificer" by Miss Melody Claire Hawkmoon. An advanced study book it contained the various secrets of creating magical items. 865 pages it was merely an Introductory course in Artificing which had become her passion over the holidays. Her mother had introduced her to Miss Hawkmoon when the witch had dropped by the family dock and performed some improvements on the Maria the family sailboat. Miss Hawkmoon had allowed Lacey to assist he as she worked on the boat carefully explaining every procedure and facet. But that was not all that they talked about for during their association Melody revealed that she was from one of New England's oldest wizarding families. Miss Hawkmoon was a pure blood and was thrilled to find that Lacey came from no magical blood at all. Melody explained that children like her were proof that no matter what others might think Magic was still a powerful force in the world and showed no hint of fading away. When the Maria was finished Lacey and her family went sailing to Greenland and back. While in the waters around Greenland Lacey met merfolk of the Deepwaters clan and even swam with a great Gredon which was a harmless sea serpent that fed on plankton. When Lacey and her family returned home to Mystic bay she had to admit that it was too soon. She had three weeks before she began school and her mother ever the stickler for planing took her school shopping in NYCs King's Circle Square. The Circle as it was called by those of the wizarding world was one of Lacey's favorite places to go. It was a place of constant activity always busy 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Like the city in which it rested. The Circle was huge, intimidating, Cosmopolitan and International, they say if it can't be found in the circle then it either doesn't exist or isn't worth having. While shopping for school books Lacey had spotted an the begged for Melody's books on Artificing of which there were 10. Her mother at first tried to dissuade Lacey from them saying they were too complex for a girl who hadn't passed her N.E.W.T.S. But gave in when Lacey went into an explanation on how it was better to seek knowledge beyond one's ability than accepting mediocrity. Now here she was aboard the Zephyr nearly 300 pages already an positively riveted by the deep arcane process of creating knitting needles that could knit any type of knitting known. She could hardly wait to return to Salem Academy and spend time with her friends in Gladium. But until she arrived she was just as happy engaged in her book.