A note on this. I was planning to make something different and then thought, why not create something that is an example of what screwed up science like this can create? I submit to you The Cancer. I hope you enjoy the product of me twisting things a bit. [b]Name:[/b] Randall Jones (Formerly) [b]Codename:[/b] The Cancer [b]Age: [/b] Uncertain (Explained in bio) [b]Power:[/b] Shapeshifting- (Note-)If you think shape shifting is a glorious power it would be best to think again. You can forget about what you see in most movies or encounter in most books. It is not a painless process, nor is it fun and glamorous in most cases. It is a power with a great deal of baggage attached, at least in this particular case.(End note) The Cancer is a being constantly at war with itself. It is comprised almost entirely of living and sentient cancerous tissue that is both blessed and cursed with extreme regenerative properties as well as accelerated growth. The Cancer is capable of completely restructuring its own body into nearly any form that it sees fit, from various humanoid forms to things that best resemble eldricht abominations. Any part of the body can become a weapon at will and almost no injury cannot be overcome by the sheer speed of growth and regenerative aspects of the beings cells. Attempts by the company to install a kill switch of utilize other methods to dampen the powers have been largely ineffective, with the dampeners only working for a few hours at a time before being overcome by the power in question. However these benefits are paired with some drawbacks that are important to note. As stated above, the Cancer is a being that is at war with itself. While there is a mind within the body that issues commands and has general control over the rest of the cell mass the control is not perfect and sometimes lapses at inopportune times. This can result in sudden and explosive involuntarily growth and form changing as various parts of the body experience runaway change and mutation. While these changes are easy enough to reverse and typically are caught by the conscious mind before they can get far there are times when the mind is not aware. For example when the Cancer sleeps all growth regulation turns off and in the course of a single night multiple tons of flesh can grow. This led to several accidents and incidents in the initial time after the injections. In addition, should flesh be disconnected from the main body mass it will rapidly wither away and decay, melting down and losing its integrity within minutes. Fire is also a bane of the Cancer as flame cauterizes wounds and forms barriers that make it more difficult for the cells to regenerate. It is possible for it to regenerate from burns, but the process is substantially slowed. Due to this slowing it is possible that with enough fire and constant assault the Cancer could eventually be reduced to nothing and destroyed entirely. Finally in order to sustain the massive changes that are constantly going on, the Cancer requires a truly massive amount of food in various forms. It requires over ten times the amount of food that a normal human would. [b]Appearance:[/b] The Cancer does not consider itself to have a gender, nor a concrete identity. It adopts forms at will and seemingly with little consistency. To date it has taken on forms including but not limited to, forms that resemble depictions of angels and demons, a seemingly decaying mass of ulcerated and putrid flesh in the shape of a man, Randall Jones, a number of celebrities, the forms of several of the other experimental subjects, all doctors employed at the facility, and many others. It is also important to note that the Cancer frequently adopts forms of both genders and appears to favor neither of them. [b]Personality:[/b] Randall Jones was a man who specialized at living multiple lives. He was a man who recreated himself more times than most could fathom, a man whose schemes and cons had, at least according to his own statements been the stuff of legend. He was master of changing, of becoming others so perfectly that few could tell that the personas were a mask. Unfortunately the mind of Randall Jones, despite its flexibility ultimately proved more fragile than the tests would have indicated. 'He' no longer really exists, the changes ripping through his body, changed his mind as well. The being that he became, the Cancer seems to regard its former existence as little more than an incubation period before true birth. It is in some ways childlike, and seems to be easily controlled by authority. In fact it has been slavishly eager to carry out the requests put to it. But who knows the true nature of an alien mind born of such change? [b]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] Strengths- It possesses all the knowledge that Randall Jones possessed before his transformation, and as such has a wealth of understanding of trickery and how to become things so convincingly that few can see through the mask. This experience combined with the shape shifting abilities that it also possesses makes it extremely effective at infiltration. At least as long as it can maintain a stable form. Being incredibly difficult to kill is also typically considered a strength. Weaknesses: The Cancer, despite it's seeming immunity to the tools that would compel it to obey also seems to have lost the arrogant edge that the man who it once was possessed. It at this time has little sense of what it really wants aside from the vague impulses of a new being. This has led to a slavish and almost unquestioning loyalty to the corporation that created it. While this may not seem the greatest weakness, unquestioning loyalty can have definite downsides. [b]History:[/b] How to sum up the life of a man who swindled his way through it? Randall Jones was born in less than favorable circumstances, his family was poor and destitute, at least those few members who were not in jail for one crime or another were poor and destitute. It is little wonder that with no real support structure and a tendency for criminal behavior already present in his family that he ultimately took a less than stellar road with his life. He started on that road of criminality early, with his first lessons coming in his elementary school days. At that point it was minor things, stealing lunch money, or swiping candy. But there were signs of darker elements as well, such as how he swindled others into paying him to keep other bullies away from them, other bullies who he was paying part of the money to have picked on the kids in the first place. Scheming was a part of his nature and as he grew older the schemes grew grander. He faked and blackmailed his way through higher education with charm and trickery mixed with a hearty helping of bribes and then entered the working world. Naturally doing honest worked seemed far too boring for him. And once again the schemes began. A number of cons kept things flowing, at least until he ran into a bigger fish than he was. When the person you con happens to be a fellow member of the field, who also happens to have men with guns and a long reach you tend to wind up in a bind. Still he was a tricky man, and when push came to shove he had a way out. He faked his own death, and shortly after was contacted by Obsidian. It seemed they were interested in individuals with his particularly devious and crafty skill set. With no good options at the time he accepted the offer and that was the last real decisions that Randall Jones actually got to make in this world. He was ultimately found both physically and mentally fit for the procedure. But after it was performed things began to go wrong. At first there were few signs of any changes at all. The only difference seemed to be an increase in healing factor to a small degree. For several days this was the case, and he began to wonder if he, the great con artist had in fact been conned himself. When the changes hit, they hit like a truck. He went to bed and the next morning something else awoke in his place.