Name: Himo Age: 35 Class: Barbarian Sex: M Lvl (Must be 1): 1 Race: Half Orc Weight: 215 Height: 6'5 HP: 16 (12+4) Strength: 19 (+4) Constitution: 18 (+4) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 9 (-1) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 14 (+2) BAB: 1 Grapple: 5 AC: 14 Fort:6 Ref: 1 Will: 3 Weapon and Damage: Club damage 1D6+4 bonus +5 crit x2 Class Bonuses: rage 1/day Race Bonuses: + 2 strength - 2 intelligence -2 charisma, Darkvision, Orc blood Skills : (4-1 x 3 = 9 skillpoints) climb 2 swim 2, jump 2 intimidate 2 handle animal 1 ( are all class skills) Armor : Studded leather ( +3 ac, armor check penalty -1 speed, 40 feet 20lb) Feats Rage Fast Movement Stats during Rage (length = 3+CON mod after entering rage [so add 4 to your existing CON score) Hp 18 Strength 19+4 Constitution 18+4 Dexterity 12+1 Intelligence 9-1 Wisdom 16+3 Charisma 14+2 Ac 12 Touch 8 FF 11