Name: Eruantien, though he was commonly referred to as Nat Age: 42 Race: Considers himself an Elf, though in truth an offspring of a Human and Elf Appearance: [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Bio: [hider=Bio] His mother (an elf) and father (a human) were both part of a mercenary company. Their goals of joining might have been different, as their races and views on world, but many missions, adventures and battles bonded them by more than just friendship, thus Eruantien was born as their firstborn son. However, his mother knew that it is impossible to raise a son amongst mercenaries and she left the company while still pregnant leaving his father behind. With the money earned, Eruantien's mother was able to settle in one of the elven cities. From his youth he was called Nat by his mother, though she never explained that to him. The two would often go hunting where Nat practiced his archery skills, and his mother would occasionally spar with him to teach close combat. At the age of 17 he was quite skilled for a boy of that age, mainly because he had both some of human strength and elf's discipline. However, his mother never actually told him of his origins and the boy always wondered about his father. One day, his mother vanished – Nat just woke up and couldn‘t find her anywhere. After a year of searching he realised that she used to be a part of a mercenary company. At the age of 20 he joined it himself, but found no trail of his mother and nobody in his squad knew of her. During the next 16 years, he worked his way up to become one of the mercenary company‘s officers, however, his main goal of finding family and answers was in vain. He aquired enough money, gear and experience to become a remarkable soldier, one of the if not the best amongst mercenaries. During a raid on a smuggler hideout the mercenary company was ambushed and almost completely wiped out. Nat managed to stay alive and cut through the enemy ranks getting a scar on his face, however, fleeing the battlefield with a mortally wounded commander. Dying, the commander revealed that he was Nat‘s father and gave Nat many answers he was looking for, though the man did not know where Nat‘s mother was. From that day Nat continued as a simple sellsword, commonly found at inns, travelling the world, looking for the last answer he did not know.[/hider] Personality: He is a person with a mask. You might think of him as a funny, laid-back person, when in truth this is the Nat everybody wanted to see in the mercenary company. Inside, Nat is a suspicious and quick-witted person. He is sometimes too reckless and often strives for power, however he is not greedy at all and isn‘t intersted in wealth too much. He tries to solve conflicts peacefully, but if that isn‘t going his way, he does not hesitate to use force. Is not religious. A complete mix of elven and human personality. Faction: He fights for answers. Those people that tell him the most of what he wants to hear. Gift: Has no gift he knows of. Weapon(s) of choice: His bow (as seen in the appearance tab, made of strong wood though very flexible and quite accurate). [hider=And his sword][img][/img][/hider] He does not name his weapons as he does not consider them to be pets, only tools. Relationship/loved ones?: Single, his father is dead, his mother possibly alive, though he has not heard of her, constantly looking for her. No other relatives. Other: Being a bastard of a human and an elf, Nat is aging, though slower. At age 42 he is like a regular human in his twenties. He considers himself an elf. He doesn‘t deny that there are Gods, but thinks that one‘s skill and determination is more important.