*chuckles* The absolute worst character I've ever had, wasn't actual essential to any kind of roleplay plot line, or development. No, the most disturbing part is that this twisted wretch came from the bowels of my own mind, because I was writing a story. For my senior class in high school. I never once thought about writing that because it would be fun to disturb my teacher, I feel I was a pretty good student. (Because I wasn't stupid enough to get caught being stupid) No, I thought it would be 'fun', and 'interesting'. Six pages in I realized how far I was gone into his character base, and I was much to deep to just quit. Not that I couldn't, I had plenty of time. [b]I just didn't want to.[/b] Many of his scenes were faded out implications, the thoughts of which twisted many a person's face into something akin to grotesque horror and imaginative agony. Especially so for the "flesh-hooked angels" scene, which made baby stomping look like a fun happy sport for the entire family to enjoy. Oh, it was bad. It was so bad not only did I get an 'A+' for creative writing, they also tried to put me in therapy. Apparently it gave my English teacher nightmares. She said, and I quote: "I have read some awful things being a teacher here, but this, this is.... May the lord guide you mi hijo" What was this terrible man's name? Gordon. Doesn't the name just [i]sound[/i] sinister? Is there something wrong with me? Probably, but I'd rather embrace it because it's hard to run from six legged flying demons of terror, or something like that.