Sylvia beamed when Tai opened the door for her. She glanced down at the other girl's cat, giving Merlin a friendly little wave even if the cat looked about as pleased as its owner did about her being there. But she knew Tai, and Merlin by extension, and she knew that it wasn't a truly deep displeasure about sharing the compartment with her. She tossed her broom in onto the free bench across from her friend and then easily lifted her trunk up and shoved it into the space above before adding her broom to it. Once all that was settled, she waved her wand at the door, murmuring the needed spells to close and lock the door behind her as Tai had asked. She flopped down onto the bench, stretching out her legs, but keeping them against the back so there was room for kitty jumping. "That girl exists in a constant state of annoyance. Her aura's all sorts of muddled displeasure." Sylvia proceed to dig into her bag for the cookies her aunt had made her. "But what do you expect from a Carrow?" she asked as if just her surname should carry enough meaning on its own. She nearly stuffed a whole cookie into her mouth while she offered the bag to Tai. "Amd only mished 'bout 'alf the oomework," she mumbled around a mouthful of snicker doodle, shrugging her free shoulder. She had better things to spend her summer doing then reading school books. Once she'd swallowed, she smiled again. "Summer was alright though. But it is nice to be getting away from family for a few months. How was your break?"