[img=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/017/d/2/noble_heart__opal__s_lab_by_axxonu-d5rsavs.jpg] Welcome to my Cryogenic storage facility were characters will be stored. Since I am new to this system I will be making changes but this is basically what I have set up on every site I've been on. This will change for different rp's but I always have a skeleton [hider=Skeleton]Picture goes here: [i]Height[/i],[i]Weight[/i], Name:(firsts, middle, last) Age: Gender: Personality: Bio:( if needed for some rp's.I think most should have it) And that's it anything else would be added with the rp[/hider] At the moment there is 1 character in storage will be updated. Alert!!!Alert!!! The freezer door is shutting.