Tyler and a couple of his men were in a store, ran by some asian guy and his family, japanese, korean, chinese, God knew, for Tyler they all looked alike. The poor fool that ran the store owed Tyler money. He hated when people didn't pay their protection money. He usually sends his soldiers to deal with such goons but this guy's case was special, because Tyler kept delaying him. "No, please Mr. Pavoni, I promise i'll give you your money next week." Said the man as he kneeled down in front of Tyler and he grabbed him by his legs with the look of a desperate man on his face. Tyler let go of the man's grip as he made two steps back and kicked the guy in the stomach watching him fall on the floor. Then Tyler leaned down as the man was struggling to get up. "You said the same damn thing last week Han. And quite frankly i'm tired of waiting. You said you have a family, a child to take care of. I understood and I kept delaying you. But enough is enough Han!" Said Tyler as he grabbed Han by his hair while he was still down, pulled out his 1911 and pressed it against the right side of his head. "Either you give me the money now, or Judgement Day will come sooner for you." Said Tyler as he cocked the gun. "No, no, no, no!" Said Han as he quickly rised up and went behind the counter grabbing some box and opening it. "This is all the money I have!" Said Han as he ran back towards Tyler who in the meantime rised back up and decocked his gun, putting it back in the holster. "This is all the money I have, just please...don't kill me!" Said Han almost crying. Tyler grabbed the money from Han's hands and started counting it. "It's more then enough." Said Tyler as he put the money in an inside pocket of his suit. "It was great doing business with you my chinese-american friend. See you next month. I hope you won't come up with any more excuses then!" Said Tyler as he headed for the exit with the four soldiers that accompanied him following his lead. Tyler got inside his car, or one of his cars anyway. A [url=http://germancarsforsaleblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/1975-450SEL.jpg]grey 1975 Mercedes-Benz 450 SEL[/url]. This car was something. Powerful 6.9 liter V8 engine, red leather interior. Top german engineering. Tyler was using this car for his everyday driving needs. Although he rarely drove it himself because he had a driver, some guy from Chile, named Juan. The four soldiers that came with him to Han's store got inside a Ford van and drove off. "Where to Mr. Pavoni?" Asked Juan as he turned around looking at Tyler, who wasted no time in answering Juan's question. "Take me to 6th street Juan. I'm supposed to meet with one of my dealers there. One of the idiots he sold drugs to needs to give him some money." Said Tyler visibly upset as Juan started the car and drove off. "What a shitty day." Said Tyler as he took out a cuban cigar and chopped out one of it's ends with a cigar cutter as he placed it in his mouth. "Nothing good happened. Just problems, problems, problems. I'm tired of problems Juan. They piss me off!" Said Tyler with a raised voice as he pulled out a zippo lighter and lighted the cigar. "Were here sir!" Said Juan as he stopped the car in a parking lot. "Good! Now we wait for for dear, sweet Kyle to show up and give my man the money he owes him." Said Tyler as he took a smoke from the cigar and blowed it out as he looked at the dealer. He could see him from where he was.