Of everyone present, the colorless girl was the one who dragged behind the furthest. Her eyes were downcast with her head, quietly examining the boy she carried in her arms and reflecting his face to memory. As she did this, the noise from her body, the empty, hollow one that had occurred prior to now during the battle, echoed loud enough to be heard all throughout the titans island. As it did she jerked her head up, her pupils narrowed, and she fell to her knees; a loud metallic 'CLANK!' parading through the air as she did so. This had transpired directly after Judahs outburst. Her head tilted to the side and a clear but shiny substance dripped from the side of her open hanging mouth. She did not, however, let go of the boy in her arms. The sound once again came from her body when Robin finished his small explanation. "Empty." Was all she said if others looked to her quizzically. She had not partaken of any sustenance since she crash landed onto Earth.