Cool. I say for those of you who were already here before the site crashed, hold off on posting your sheets for a bit. I'll let the people who are newcomers make sheets first and see how they are. When Mahz adds the OoC back, then I'll give everybody their sheets back. [B]Name:[/B] [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Species:[/B] (Ranging anywhere from Human, to cyborg, to an Android, to an alien race of your own creation. If you make your own race, please provide a brief background on them, even if its in a few sentences. No more then 2 paragraphs, but no less then a sentence, depending on what you're playing. An Android's product line (as in what type of android it is) also need to be explained. If you're a cyborg, include what species you were before. Ex: "Human Cyborg", "Quereonian Cyborg", "Beastman Cyborg", ect.) [B]Image of Character:[/B] [B]Preferred Weapon(s)/Personal Item(s):[/B] (if any) [B]Abilities:[/B] (please don't make them GM ones such as insta-kill or unending flight. Each ability comes with a weakness, so remember to elaborate on their abilities a bit so they're more fair. Also, stuff like the Force is off limits... For now.) [B]Bio:[/B] (can include, but isn't limited to; Personality, Background, Attributes, ect. A paragraph or two should be good, but more is always better.) [B]Other:[/B] (include any additional information you want, like wether or not the character you're playing has ever been off their home planet before)