Was it Wabbit Season.....or was it Duck Season? Elmer had no idea, he hadn't left his hut yet to see the signs. Well it wasn't really a hut, it was more like a mansion, a mansion he stayed in, in the middle of the woods alone. Alone except for the men that worked there, making him dinner and cleaning out the house. Although whenever he got a good hunt, he would prepare it for cooking. Yesterday he had got a deer, he had then took it home and skinned it, before handing it over to his workers. He had nice vension last night, well his workers did. He had a nice plate of salad. He sat in his workshop, cleaning out Dorothy. Sometimes she would get dirty if he accidentally dropped her on the ground. His maids or manservants would want to clean her, but when he cleaned her, he would upgrade her too. With all his money, he had many parts he could get a hold of, with that his hunting would be perfect. He was busy polishing her off with a clean white hankerchief. His gun was perfect. "Sir?" A man shouted as he barged through the door, one of his waiters. He was balding, like Elmer had already done and held up an enevelope. "You have mail" The man walked up to Elmer who was concentrating on Dorothy and put the envelope down next to Dorothy on the table. Elmer turned and nodded as his waiter walked out the door and close it again. He actually grew up as a son of one of ELmer's fathers servants and now he was one of Elmer's. Elmer looked down at the envelope and took out his letter opening knife. He read the letter. "Intewesting......Vewwy Intewesting...." Elmer said with a grin. "Edgesworth!" His manservant came rushing in, a grave look on his usually neutral face. "We've got a meeting in a week! Make sure the horses are weady for a twip we're gonna have!" Edgeworth nodded and went out the door again. Elmer glanced at Dororthy again before moving over to write out his workforce's paychecks. 1 Week Later Elmer sat in his carriage as he listened to the wheels hitting the road beneath him. He was wearing his traditional hunting gear, and Dorothy was polished and shining in his gloved hands. The carriage came to a halt and he heard Edgeworth shout something. With a smirk, he leapt out of the carriage to find the pub before him. He waved to Edgewoth who was still by the carriage and entered the pub with Dorothy in his hands, sending nods to those around him. Eventually he made it to the door he had been instructed to go to, to find another man was alweady there. "Hewwo?" He called out as he approached. "This is the meeting wight?"