[quote=So Boerd] http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/08/17/justice-department-autopsy-brown-ferguson/14196559/All in the front, four in non-stopping places, explaining why a rational person (dunno if it was justified, just saying hypothetically if it was) provoked to shoot, might shoot multiple times. Cop murder scenario is rapidly deteriorating. [/quote] [i]"Baden said a final autopsy report would require study of the clothes Brown was wearing to see if they contained gunshot residue, which would indicate whether at least one shot was fired at close range. No residue was found on Brown's body, Baden said."[/i] Actually, the lack of residue would indicate that Brown was shot repeatedly at long range. It's also mentioned that due to bullet ricochet it's very likely that Brown held his arms up in front of himself, which would indicate he wasn't attacking anyone, he was trying to save his own life. On top of this, the bullets to the head were execution style moves, not panic-fire ones. This is really looking like that police officer [i]did[/i] commit murder and deserves to be imprisoned. As for the protests, so long as they can stay peaceful and let cops (state troopers) mingle amongst them to keep the peace, then I have no problems with them. The earlier protests though? Still don't get my sympathy. Overall, I'm leaning towards that officer at least being discharged and arrested as the investigation continues. He should not be wielding a license to kill right now.