Making a companion for the group, plus I really really really wanted to make an elf character hahaha Name: Rhovanor Age: 670 Race: Elf Appearance: [hider=Rhovanor] [img=] Has Dark brown hair instead of white, and much shorter ears. Dark green eyes[/hider] Bio: Like all elves, our stories are long and well, quite boring at times. I was born a few hundred years before the High Empire was formed. I was born in Rayacre, my family not being royalty to the elven city, but we were noble. My father owned a hunting goods shop, and although we were taught to respect all life... we still needed to eat. We were immortal, so we had a lot of time to master skills most people never would. Archery came natural for all elves, so hunting came hand in hand. And that was it for quite some time. Us elves would stay in our city, welcoming travelers to stay... And then the gods declared the first High King. Like the rest of the land, the elves welcomed him. The king asked to assemble a court to help him with every day items. My family was chosen to assist him. My father had a business to run, so I moved to the city of Silveredge to help the High King. Then corruption came. I was no longer a part of his peace court, but a warrior trying to stop the corrupted. We encountered new creatures, good and bad. I fought along side Gift Bearers, although I was never quite as skilled as them (except archery, of course). We lost countless allies, but the guidance of Aleden kept everyone going... I was to join the High King in taking over Dorden, but I was instead, positioned to kill any of the enemy trying to escape the city... So I waited, and waited for the King to come out, or horns of victory. To my horror, a dark chill escaped the city. roars of monsters and creatures of all kind were heard... The King was no more. The gift bearers were defeated, and everyone ran to hide. the rest of my life was a long tale. I returned home. Fusos didn't dare fight the elves, but they made sure we were secluded. Only a few could leave without being detected, and I couldn't sit by and watch the evil take this land. I wandered Valhdir, helping refugees, stealing from the corrupt, and joining a band of thieves called the Lapsa. I went in and out for 500 years.... Then I had the honor of meeting the heir. To say the least, he wasn't impressive at all at the beginning. He was full of revenge, or sadness, and seemed to not want to care about anything. Now a few days later, and I saw his determination. His will. His strength. He was persistant in things he cared about. He would practice for days, get beaten, and then practice some more. When the Lapsa was ambushed, we all scattered. I followed Rilden out of the place. He held his own, and we killed many before we had to leave. His spirit was crushed, and I had to say mine was too. We searched the land yet again. Killing when necessary, stealing when we had to, and tried to help. when Rilden was captured, I took his blade, and kept it safe. I went in to hiding for as long as I could, waiting for him to return from Dorden. I knew he would. That man was like a mountain. Nothing could break him. he came back a different man. A man who has seen things, and a man who seemed to hold a sense of hope. It had been quite some time since I felt that before. He is on a quest to find the gift bearers to help him get the throne back. He isn't alone though. He has my bow, and blades to help. Personality: Level headed, a quick thinker, and a man more of actions. Extremely loyal to Rilden, and if the Gift bearers show it, he will be just as loyal to them. Has a sense of humor, friendly to those in need, but ultimately wants peace in this land. Faction: High King Gift: No gift Weapon(s) of choice: Two [url=]Elven Blades[/url] and a bow. Keeps excellent care of them since they were first given to him over 600 years ago. Relationship/loved ones?: anyone interested, let me know! Other: One of the best trackers and hunters in the land (not counting the centaur with Onlor's gift!)