[b]RP Title:[/b] Beyond the Boundaries [b]GM Note 9/27:[/b] Moving on with who we have, hoping the speed will pick up a little. Currently editing new locations for a space scavenger hunt, will be tweaking. - - - [b]RP Genres:[/b] Science Fiction, Quest, Odyssey, Fantasy, Modern, Adventure, Comedy, Romance, Drama, Post-Apocalyptic and Sandbox. [b]Genres:[/b] Science Fiction, Quest, Odyssey, Fantasy, Modern, Adventure and Sandbox. [b]Cast Size:[/b] Anywhere from four to nine players at one time. [b]Length of Posts:[/b] Anywhere from four to ten paragraphs. [b]Commitment of Players:[/b] Temporary to Permanent Status acceptable for players. [b]Frequency of Posts:[/b] From one to three posts a week from any player in the group. [b]Status and Phase of RP:[/b] Open and accepting players, Pre-Chapter One. [b]RP Plot:[/b] Set in the Earth year: 2014, it's October 15'th, a simple Wednesday. People all over the globe are going about their lives, some are going to work or school, while some are retired and traveling at their leisure. Some people don't have the privilege of school, while others can choose not to, based on a wealth of money and lax parents. Some people are dodging traffic as they rush into the nearest coffee shop, while others are beginning to make dinner for some friends who are coming over in an hour. And some people are saving lives or taking lives. The beauty of Earth is that there are millions of lives being lived, experiences and relationships are boundless and limitless. People on Earth can do almost anything they want. Some squander the opportunity and go through life without finding a worthwhile passion, while others find faith in religion and use that as fuel to find happiness and purpose. Or some brave souls may be traveling to NYC, to begin a life changing journey! And yet, on a tiny little rock in outerspace, these Earthlings don't know anything at all about what goes on around them. That's where Qyx comes in. Qyx hails from another planet, similar to Earth. Qyx is an alien, much like Earth humans would be alien to her and her people. The planet Qyx comes from is called XYD and while their alphabet is similar to Earth's, they don't use vowels. XYDNS find it's lazy to rely on so few letters to get a point across. Their planet has been around for 4,000 years and during that time, many variants of communicating have developed. Some XYDNS have learned to talk better without moving lips at all, and have instead adopted using body language and movement to talk to each other. And other XYDNS have used whistling and humming to talk. Still, no one uses the letters "A, E, I, O, or U" because it would be quite disgusting in their eyes. But for Qyx, she and many other XYDNS have started changing language to suit vowels and have found their civilization has not been burned to the ground, nor has anyone become uglier or poorer thanks to changing their speech. Even so, these minority people are becoming popular in the underground depths of XYD. XYD is very high tech and their technology reaches far beyond Earth's current limitations. For the past near-decade, Qyx has been traveling around, through time and space to discover other means of communication. On the planet known as Yah, she found the inhabitants spoke a mixture of Earth English and Earth German. And yet the place Qyx has been returning to the most, is Earth. The people of XYD have many similar physical traits to those of Earth. It's a fascinating planet to her. Interested in exploring other realms but having no friends in XYD who seek the same adventure and have the same thirst of knowledge, she has been advertising for companions on Earth. Every three years she makes posters and puts them all over Earth in hopes that someone would want to fly around outerspace with her. Unfortunately for her, she has yet to fully master Earth's many languages and so most of the posters she displays are poorly written and are thus overlooked. Three years ago though, she did manage to finally find two adventurers who she had loads of fun with. The three of them picked up other bored people while traveling and when it was time for Qyx to go home, she found it so hard to say goodbye to her new friends. Now that the Earth year of 2014 has rolled around, a new batch of posters have been sent out, this time with much better spelling and instructions thanks to what she had been taught. The posters all read when translated back to Earth English, the following: Are you bored of your life on Earth? Do you want to see the universe and meet new people who might one day save your life? If you're looking for adventure and believe that the world isn't all there is to your life, then come meet me, Qyx! I come from a far away planet and I've only scratched the surface of the universe and I'd like some company! You may pack one bag and meet me in New York City's Central Park, at the Tennis Courts at 3:00 AM on Thursday, October 16'th 2014. Should our journey begin and you wish to go home, that can be taken care off, no feelings hurt. However, I am not held responsible for any injury or death which may occur during our time together. Bring whatever you wish but be aware my technology and your technology might not play well together. I hope to see you there, never stop looking at the stars! Yours, Qyx. The posters were put in their usual places, in main cities and towns all over Earth. It's now time for Qyx to go down and see if she has had any success. She is quite hopeful but knows that humans while passionate, can be hard to change. While most of her galaxy has been mapped, there are still so many she had yet to see. One of the conditions that she has been given a time and space machine, is so that she can record new incoming data about culture, life and language. Qyx is a dedicated scholar who has managed to keep her image clean, despite her secret use of consonants. Qyx is a very lively individual who doesn't mind going off on her own but she has been reaching out to Earth for nine years and after her third attempt being a glowing success, she would find it rather lonely to pilot a ship by herself. So, as she stands in the tennis courts, she can't help but feel like Earth is too empty, to find any new friends again. [b]GM Note:[/b] I will be taking the role of Qyx, as well as a few others, be them human and or alien. - - - [b]Creating Characters, Planets and Aliens - The Rules:[/b] This RP will be infested with different characters, it's meant to house people from many walks of life. Is everyone going to get along? Surely, not (don't call me Shirley) but should two characters (not players) end up disrupting a quest or adventure, it is within Qyx's right to take them elsewhere, be it Earth or some asteroid. Qyx won't put up with too much drama, it's bad for everyone. Whether your character is permanent one or not, is fine with me. If your intended lifespan changes (ex: your character is temporary), you must notify me as GM. If you make a character you plan to kill off soon, let us know. I encourage you to make males and females, characters from different planets who have different morals and habits and goals. Granted there should be no malice or hatred in these creations. I mean come on, who is going to pick up a hitchhiker who gives off a rapey or murdery vibe? Along with that, don't make characters with chips on their shoulders or who always sees things as bleak. No one wants to work with characters who have too much personal baggage. You need to smartly develop characters, if they're better suited for a shrink's office, they won't be accepted into this RP. We're going to have fun and I know for a fact that fun isn't fostered by crazy characters who hate life or who are selfish. Just be smart. If I think your character is too gimmicky, just try a different approach. Let's not all be orphans with abusive parents. As a note, temporary characters can come back to the group, or they can leave (back to Earth or stay on a planet while everyone moves onward) or die. Humans can also be accepted after we begin, just note that we will need to make a special post introducing them. Even though Qyx recruits every three years, she can change her habits on a whim. If you make characters joined together (ex: siblings, or significant others etc) don't make your post with just them interacting. It's not that fun to read about two people talking and not contributing. When you submit characters, you will do so on your designated post. What I mean is, you will be editing your past/present/future roles into one post. I will then link that master post into this one so that players and myself don't spend months sifting through pages, trying to find that guy you've just introduced. You will keep your post clean and organized with their introduction post and their departing post, should they die or stay on another planet, to possibly come back to the group at another time. Your post page is obviously important, it will be where you submit your first CS and Bio as a player. I will be making one myself, just not at the moment. Now, when it comes to suggesting/creating planets and species, you can either do it one of two ways. Though you must always, make it [b]bold[/b] so we can see it through any clutter in the OOC. It can be either a sentence or a long winded idea you have. If the sentence is an interesting idea, the entire group will bounce ideas back and forth but it will be my decision in the end. But sometimes a long winded idea that explains your vision and purpose will win me over better, yet sometimes a crazy zany idea like a Pokemon Planet, will do it just fine. I made make a section below for ideas: alien or planet oriented. You don't need to follow the outline given, but just list whatever you can so everyone has a good idea of your vision. That way, we can better decide to use it or not. Should you suggest something, make sure it has some kind of purpose. This is a sandbox story and as such, direction isn't necessary but thoughtfulness is. If we travel to a place you've created, I assume as GM, that you have a reason. That reason can be simple or complex. Right now, they say "coming soon" because I'm working on kinks, when things settle down, I'll go further in depth as to how players can help mold the universe. I know I've covered more about characters than destinations or other aliens but once we get out of the first chapter, we'll be able to better figure out what we want and how to get it. Also, there will be a form for random mission ideas you as players have. They can be simple or complicated, we can take on as many or as few as we want, they are just available to give us direction during any lulls. I encourage us all to build off of planets with missions or other ideas, we've all got great brains, let's use em! Just be aware that whenever you submit a CS, you need an appearance that is either nicely drawn or a real photograph (celebrities are acceptable). This will make it hard but I think it helps retain the depth of realism and ensures we're not giving off a fake feel with anime or cartoon pictures. Below you will find the basic CS for humans and aliens, I will probably add a destination CS, should players want to submit something in depth. For now, newcomers must fill out the CS for humans, as well as one for them as a player. Anyone coming in after the first chapter can apply as a human or alien. Should you be adding to your post with other roles, let me know so I can check it out. Again, do not post characters in multiple places, just use your one post for all your roles please! [b]Blank Application Outlines:[/b] [hider=RPer][b]Age:[/b] [b]Frequency Online:[/b] [b]Favorite Ice Cream:[/b] [b]Occupation:[/b] [if applicable] [b]College Major:[/b] [if applicable] [b]Any Fandoms You Enjoy:[/b] [b]Writing Sample:[/b] [optional][/hider] [hider=Human] [b]Status:[/b] [temporary or permanent, able to change] [b]Opening and Closing Post:[/b] [link from the IC to their first and if applicable, final post] [b]First Name:[/b] [b]Last Name:[/b] [b]Born:[/b] [date + location] [b]Appearance:[/b] [please link us, do not embed or use IMG code, it looks messy] [b]4 Positive Adjectives:[/b] [b]2 Negative Adjectives:[/b] [b]Family:[/b] [siblings, parents, kids, etc, just the close ones] [b]Education:[/b] [b]3 Hobbies or Talents:[/b] [b]2 Fears:[/b] [b]A Glimpse of...[/b] [use this last part to tell us all in 3-5 paragraphs a glimpse into their life. Write about them doing some ordinary or something extraordinary, be it waking up and going about their life, or them experiencing something crazy for the first time. This is used for your writing sample, as well as you practicing as your character. Do not make it first person, but as a post you'd typically find in the IC itself. Have fun with it, it can even be when they found the poster, if it applies] [/hider] [hider=Alien] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Origin:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [again, try to find a medium to maintain realism] [b]4 Positive Adjectives:[/b] [b]2 Negative Adjectives:[/b] [b]2-3 Notable Quirks or Tendencies:[/b] [b]Behind The Eyes:[/b] [be their history or a day in the life of, 2-3 paragraphs please] [/hider] [hider=Mission] [b]Who is Distributing the Mission:[/b] [who and where from] [b]What is the Mission:[/b] [b]What is the reward:[/b] [b]What are the Dangers:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Planet] [b]Appearance:[/b] [link to an image of the planet] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Habitat:[/b] [b]Language:[/b] [b]Exports and Imports:[/b] [b]Inhabitants:[/b] [what sort of people live there, what do natives look like etc] [b]Notable Laws or Government Practices:[/b] [/hider] - - - [b]General Rules and Other Stuff:[/b] If you want to look at the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/53709/posts/ooc]Interest Check[/url] for old time's sake, go for it. This is about exploring the unknown and having fun with one another. We can cover themes of religion, death, life, purpose, whatever. Or we can go around saving people from evil doers, if that's the general vibe of the group. Dynamics should invite change. This is meant to not be solely driven by me. There should be a back-and-forth dialogue between all of us. We should plot things out and let ourselves be influenced by other things. I mean Star Trek (TNG), Doctor Who and Guardians of the Galaxy influenced this, as well as a tiny bit of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, but not as much. Should you need to withdraw permanently from the story, you must write your character(s) out. It's not my job as GM to clean up your mess. If you have temporary roles coming and going, they need to be given the same respect of someone who is considered permanent. Characters need closure (as do players), so whether they're staying on a planet or making a gallant sacrifice for the gang, you need to treat them with respect and give them a final post. I'd love a cast ranging from different ages and origins but not everything is going to work out, so I may need to ask you to try a different approach if we have a bigger amount of something, over something else. Variety is the spice of life. We need just as many optimists as we do intellectuals and paternal figures and people with street smarts (in a non cliche way). Any roles you make need my approval, so let me know when a CS is finished and I'll find a slot for a new character to come into play. A big note for posting! Usually I install a posting round system where everyone can only post once a round before I kick things off again. There is no posting order this way, but it ensures no one is left out. For this however, I won't be doing that. I trust you all can post on a timely manner. This is an expansive story and as such, we should all be able to include everyone without someone feeling left out. However, if we have to keep waiting for someone to post, I give players permission to puppet characters of players who are inactive. Don't make us work hard to pick up your slack. There's no posting order but I still want this to move rather smoothly, on average, I'd like roughly one to three posts a week in the IC from anyone. That's not a lot but if life is getting busy (around finals time or holidays) we can take it more slowly, just be smart and active, that's what it boils down to. I think I've listed everything I need to, anything urgent will be added, as I'm already assuming I've forgotten something already. Listed below are the current known planets, characters, etc as well as room for other incoming date from applicants. Everything below will be massively edited as people apply and we brainstorm! Thanks for reading and showing interest, as well as making it this far! - - - [b]GM Note:[/b] Large sections below will be put into hiders to help keep things less cluttered. [b]Quests and Missions:[/b] - Qyx will have a system that relays any issues a planet has to her ship. I will be making several up myself for us to pick from, they are all optional and are open to our crew to take on. Some will be simple while others are more complicated and will require a lot more attention, feel free to suggest missions or adventures with the aforementioned bold wording or outline. - [b]Our Characters:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54433/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1679576]Genkai's Role(s)[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54433/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1666847]Nyther's Role(s)[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54433/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1669305]Redwing's Role(s)[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54433/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1670485]RedChatoyant's Role(s)[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54433/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1681095]Viridity's Role(s)[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54433/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1693680]Palindromatic's Role(s)[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54433/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1709348]Kaga's Role(s)[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54433/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1713329]Milieu's Role(s)[/url] [b]Tech, Lingo and Stuff:[/b] [url=http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptships/2010/ozan_c/ozan_01.jpg]The Connection[/url] is a XYD spaceship that can move through time and space. It was given to Qyx so she could map out the regions around her planet. It is very sleek and high-tech, it holds a large pantry but it needs to be replenished manually. It is voice controlled by a computer system called Connector. It has minimal firepower and can house several inhabitants who may require unique housing. [url=http://www.higherheart.com/shopimages/products/normal/Sterling-Silver-Thong.jpg]Lifesaver[/url] is a small device that attaches around someone's neck like a light choker. It's general use is to provide oxygen to anyone who may fall outside of a ship or area where oxygen is provided. This device can keep someone alive up to twelve hours but does not provide constant comfort like an actual suit or ship would. It also sends out a strong signal beacon to reach all lines of communication within several light years. It cannot pilot someone, nor does it offer protection against dust or stray rocks. A Lifesavers can come in bracelets, rings or other accessories but the best sort are chokers, other devices like rings will not provide ample oxygen or send out strong enough beacons. [b]Known Planets:[/b] Earth - [url=http://www.wallpapershighd.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/earth-from-space-wallpaper-4.jpg]Link[/url] Located in the Milky Way Galaxy. It is the only known planet in the solar system that houses intelligent life. It is home to many unique environments such as deserts, oceans, lakes, glaciers, rivers, forests, cities, towns, canyons, etc. [hider=XYD] XYD - [url=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/210/0/0/gas_giant_with_planetary_ring_by_anikoo-d6fo1u1.jpg]Link[/url] Located several light-years away from Earth in what XYD calls The SWLX (Swirling) Galaxy but by Earth's standards, it's called the Pinwheel Galaxy. XYD has many XYD - [url=http://browsingwallpaper.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/billings.jpg]Capital City S[/url] One of the four biggest cities on XYD, Capital City S uses hover trains to get around but they are minimal. Most inhabitants of XYD swim, climb or walk. Automobiles were once invented, about 1,000 years ago but were deemed pointless and harmful to the environment. XYD - [url=http://www.officialpsds.com/images/stocks/Futuristic-City-3-stock2788-large.png]Capital City J[/url] One of the four biggest cities on XYD, Capital City J is located on the BVL BY (BVL Bay). It is located south of Capital City S and is beside Capital City D. XYD - [url=http://thecityfix.com/files/2011/01/haiti-harvest-city3-1.jpg]Capital City D[/url] Located in the grand ocean itself, this is the third biggest city on XYD and is where the small population of those with more muscle than brain, work. It also takes care of importing and exporting goods, while ensuring XYD is well stocked. It is south of Capital City F and beside Capital City J, finishing out the four quadrants of XDY. XYD - [url=http://assets.inhabitat.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2011/01/tianjin-eco-city-11-537x401.jpg]Capital City F[/url] The final major city on XYD. Other misc. XYD highlights: [url=http://img11.nnm.me/e/d/e/9/5/00538cf978653876a52669e71e9.jpg]Forests[/url] and swamps are very common. XYDNS have the ability to breathe underwater for short periods of time. Many [url=http://wasteland.inxile-entertainment.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/andree-wallin-3.jpg]homes[/url] can be found scattered across the planet as people tend to live alone and only commute for perhaps work, or supplies. [url=http://www.hdwallpaperpc.com/cover/74/Fantasy_Snow_Winter_Trees_Mountains_Alien_Landscape_Planets_Purple_73770_detail_thumb.jpg]Snow[/url] is not uncommon and depending on the light around them, mountains and rain and even rocks can change color. [/hider] Yah - [description/pictures coming] [b]Known Species:[/b] Earthlings - [url=http://b-i.forbesimg.com/parmyolson/files/2013/06/Faces-of-the-Future-1.jpg]Link[/url] Earth humans are either male or female. They reproduce the way mammals do. Earthlings have general intelligence but are prone to emotional outbursts. Humans have made small strides in space exploration, however due to constant civil conflict on Earth, they have gotten distracted in terms of medical advances. Most humans are social creatures who grow with the aid of parents and families. Earthlings speak many different languages but most can communicate with body language. Overall, humans have potential but get too distracting with petty things. XYDNS - [url=http://cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/tauart.jpeg]Link[/url] XYDNS have human features such as arms, hands, fingers, legs, and ears. However, they have developed small scales and differing spiky scales atop their heads. They do not grown hair. They're colors depend on which mother spawned their egg. Some are orange or purple or brown or green. They tend to have raspy voices the more they age. They distinguish gender based on the head's shape and features. Male XYDNS have their attributes facing forward while the females have theirs going the other way. They have small claws rather than nails, they do not retract. Many XYDNS are of upper intelligence and prefer solitary activities of leisure. As progressive people begin to alter communications, some of the older folk are beginning to become restless at the idea of change. Yahians - [description/pictures coming] [b]Brainstorming Ideas and Stuff:[/b] - This is where I'll make note of any/all suggestions made and give my feedback/general group thoughts. - [b]The First Chapter:[/b] - This will be the description of the first chapter, as well as the new characters and destinations, consider it basic and light, compared to say what we'd do in the Fourth Chapter. -