Crypt continued to look on with a worried smile. "I am terrified, but I seem to be a bit of a masochist. Jumping into this head first and all.' Her words as noted, came at about the suggested connotation. Frosty opting for Watch tower kinda knocked him off balance. But SG passing up the chance to trash stuff to help out a few old ladies cross the street....The worry fades as he thinks over the periodic table, because in that world it makes sense. Since this world seems to have fallen down the rabbit hole he might as well jump in right after. "I can be part of the strike team. My abilities make it easy to infiltrate as well as remove key targets. Not to mention I would very much like to see just how wrong I can be. Frankly, I hate it when I am right." A wheeze escapes his mask, as if adding a underline to his last statement. "Unless you guys feel someone else is better equipped."