[b]The Enclosing One[/b] fractal colony ---> thicker + 'skin' ---> structured colony that can produce spores ---> [b]The Chaos One[/b] Agressive Amoebas ---> +primitive poison ---> multicell posion blobs called Naes ........................................................................*The Forgotten (rogue pick up) [b]The Crawling Seeker [/b] Fire Feeders ---> Slimey fire feeders ---> .........................................................---> multicell -disks .....................---> The Forgotten (rogue species) [b]The Amorphous Jowls[/b] predator cells ---> multicell blob with mouth [b]To Sow the Seeds of Harmony[/b] [b]The Parasite[/b] mulitcellular blobs [b]The Whimsical Tinkerer [/b] funky colour algae [b]The Matrices[/b] reinforced amoebas ---> multicell with some specialisation ---> Agro (attacking type) ..........................................................................................---> Passi (fleeing type) [b]The Unmitigated One[/b] cholorplast amoebas ---> multicell photosyntheses clutches [b]The Composer[/b] Amoebe Aggregation with chloroplasts + bubbles ---> fertility rate up + closer to the surface of the water [b]The Ambitious One[/b] Sting cells ---> Spike worms ---> double layer, specialized spike worms [b]The Mother[/b] --- [hider=original post]This sounds very interesting, and like a more thought-out version of an RP I once created myself. Still It's not really clear for me how the gameplay works. Q: Will we create input and you determine the outcome? Or is all going to rely on us being reasonable? Since there is no set speed yet, I'm not really sure what is reasonable and what is not. Q: Or will we make use of 'rounds' that happen every RL day or so, in which time passes an era? Q: Do we have control over our species or only over their evolutionary process? Q: Are you going to control the NPC's? I'm guessing that their numbers can grow so fast that controlling them might become hard. [/hider]