Well, I had a whole slew of interest from my last interest check, but now some have weeded out while others have disappeared all together, dwindling down the amount of Role Plays I currently having going. So with that said, I thought I would open back up for business and try and get some more stories going. Also I have a few characters I am craving to play. First and foremost, though, there are some ground rules I need to lay out. I am going to be very specific only because I want a compatible partner. Don't get mad at me if you don't like my qualifications, it just means we weren't mean to write together. 1. Please be fairly active. I don't expect you to be on for hours on end by any means, but once a day for a post would be nice. If I really like the story, and we're going for a more advanced level, then I might be OK with every other day, but my patience can't handle any longer than that. I think that's a fair warning about me, don't you? I personally am very active and will post several times a day, depending on how often you are posting. 2. Please have good grammar. I don't expect perfection, but proofreading is always good. 3. Please don't try to control my character or assume something about them without asking me first. I shouldn't have to say that, but...yeah. 4. I won't give you a minimum length for your post. I am definitely of the opinion that quality is much more important than quantity. That said, please give me something to work with and add depth to your posts. Move the story along, don't just react or reiterate what I wrote. That gets annoying. 5. Please be over 18. 6. You must be OK with mature content. I do not fade to black or sugar coat violence. I write it as it is. If you are not OK with that, then we probably won't work well together. 7. Romance is perfectly fine with me, but please let it be something that comes naturally, unless we decide to establish before hand that the characters are already involved with each other. I don't do this most of the time, however, unless I really like the concept of why they're already together. 8. I am alright with writing any gender pairing. If you are not, that is fine. Its not everyone's cup of tea, so straight couples are perfectly fine with me as well. 9. I RP over PM. No exceptions. I don't like threads. 10. I write in third person, past tense. This is also what I expect of my partner. Basic information about me can be found in my signature, as you've probably already noticed. Alright, with that out of the way, if you are still with me, I do have some plots in mind. I honestly don't feel like writing them all out, so I'm going to give you a list of what kind of characters would be involved in those plots and you can inquire with me about the plots. Vampire/Fledgling (If you are familiar with the tabletop game Vampire the Masquerade, even better, since my character is from that universe. This would still work even if you are unfamiliar with the game.) Witches (Think Wiccan) Rogue/Whatever class you want your character to be (This would be High Fantasy, like D&D) Paladin/Whatever class you want your character to be (Again, High Fantasy D&D style) As my signature says, I play female and male characters equally, but I will confess, all my characters for these plots are female except for the Paladin. My Paladin is a male character. If you are interested, please PM me!