[hider=appearance][img=http://31.media.tumblr.com/9c0f5f6b39bdf5c0e9c4bc7b5681d63f/tumblr_mysbdxYZXU1sq8wuko1_400.png][/hider] Name: Jane Lowe Nickname: "Lo" Age: 32 Race: Human Powers: None Skills: Attack - Gunslinger, Defense - Theology, Human Empathy, Agility Equipment: Rifle, extra ammunition, Gold Byzantine Cross, Rosemary Holy Oil Tears of the Theotokos, a lighter, a candle, wool prayer rope, canteen of vodka. Biography: Jane "Lo" was in the military for The Seed, a government Ogranization rooted in the happenings to he underworld becoming unleashed. Seed was a top secret operation, training soldiers to withstand the Apocolypse, or potential thereof and help reboot society amongst the dystopian refuge that may take place afterwards. However, when the Crack became a much larger problem than expected, many of the personnel in Seed disappeared, joined forces with the Other Side, or worse -- died. Jane understood why people vanished or joined forces with the Other Side. She had the mad honors of watching her whole squad parish in a battle. The darkness surrounding the battles has left her as one of the only survivors of Seed. Scarred by the memories and horrors of the Other Side, she still fights onward towards Hope. She believes there is an end to this madness, no matter how grim and dark the world has become. She knows at the end, there will be a triumphant victory in Christ. There is no gray in Lo's world. There is only black and white. Either a creature is good or a creature is bad, and if it is bad -- it MUST die. Theme Song:[youtube]OPlK5HwFxcw[/youtube]