Ash quickly followed the girls into their car, giving Marshal a concerned glance for a moment before smiling reassuringly at him. Inside the car she placed her bag at her feet and then pulled out Luke’s and began looking through the contents. There wasn’t much, a few energy bars and a mostly empty canteen of water. There wasn’t much else. However she stopped for a moment when she saw a leather wallet and her hand closed around it tightly. Pulling the wallet out Ash opened it up, looking at the contents. A few bank cards, some other cards and his driver’s licence. Carefully she reached in and slipped the card out of its holder, looking at the picture inside. His hair was a little shorter in it and he looked cleaner. Looking over her shoulder she looked over towards the ute where she was now and then back to the card in her hand. Quickly she took the contents of Luke’s back and placed it into her own, slipping the licence into a small card slot in the front pocket of the bag. Taking a small, shuddering breath she rubbed her hands over her arms before turning to look out the window. Up along the road there was mostly just trees, not a walker in sight. It would have been easy to forget the world was over if it weren’t for the few scattered, abandoned cars here and there. However when she saw something ahead moving on the side of the road she moved away from the window slightly, thinking it was a walker. However after a second of looking she realised it was too big, and differently shaped to a human. Moving up to the window she placed her hands against the glass. Squinting slightly before her eyes widened. “Stop!” Ash said suddenly, looking to Sophia. “Stop the car! Look!” She pointed out the window, looking back and forth from the girls to the animal. “It’s a horse, tied up on the side of the road there! Look! We have to stop!” A brown and white paint horse was in fact tied up to a tree loosely on the side of the road, it had a saddle with saddle bags attached and bridle. It seemed relatively calm, all things considered and was nibbling on grass by the side of the road. However it stopped and looked up at the approaching cars. “We can’t just leave it.” Ash said softly, looking to the girls. “It’ll die tied up like that… or get eaten…”