THANK YOU SILVERFOX! IM REALLY GRATEFUL. [hider=Winterink] Name: Winterink Age: Teen {is actually an adult already but doesn't remember that} Compact Form: Female, white-blond hair, cobalt blue eyes that are slitted like a dragons, 5'7, slim, strong, wears steampunk jacket, boots and pants, noticeable fangs when she smiles, and pointed ears Dragon Form: White-Ice scales, cobalt blue eyes, slimmer than most, 9ft tall and 11ft long from tail tip to nose, & a spade shaped tip at the end of her tail. Her scales rub together silently when she walks and its silent and creates fluffy snowflakes. her scales are slender, hard, and never wear down from rubbing against each other. Magic: can freeze things and preserve them forever by using ice that never melts, create weapons out of ice and snow, create snowstorms, blizzards, make it cold or snowy wherever she goes. she can also make it snow over whoever she wishes and likes really cold places. Background: Winterink woke up inside a warm cave by a sparkling river one day and didn't remember who she was, where she was from or anything. She only knew how to shift to her compact form and what her name was and how to use her powers. She stayed in the cave for several days trying to remember who she was. She finally took flight to find other dragons and met up with an old blueblack dragon who told her everything about thier kind and what he knew of humans and their machines. Winter then thanked him and flew to the Aging Festival where she was allowed to become a teen. That was years ago. She has made new memories since then and is living peacefully in the cave where she first woke up. She practices her powers daily and has fun making it snow over the nearby village at random times in the year, much to the deight of the children. Personality: She loves children and has a deep loathing to anyone who mistreats them. When she finds out about someone who does that she freezes them to ice then smashes them, erasing their existence. She is generally kind and mostly soft spoken but scary as hell when shes pissed. Winterink prefers to be called Winter as her nickname.[/hider]