[center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png[/IMG][/URL][/center][HIDER=The Wish Master] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/temp_zpsc80656b5.png.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/temp_zpsc80656b5.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [hider2=Appearance] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Seil2_zps9b40d27d.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Seil2_zps9b40d27d.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Seil1_zps891b9870.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Seil1_zps891b9870.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/center][/hider2] [hider2=Demonic Appearance] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Seil3_zps001071b6.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Seil3_zps001071b6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [i][b]Note:[/b]Some things, or in this case some appearance, are better left unknown [/i][/center][/hider2] [i][center][b]Age[/b][/i] Unknown – Centuries Old [i][b]Gender[/b][/i] Male [i][b]Species[/b][/i] Demon [i][b]Pure Demon[/b][/i] [i][b]Most Used Power[/b][/i] As the ‘Wish Master’ it can be rather difficult to determine the variation of his powers. Some say that he is unable to grant any wish for himself akin to a genie. Though where his Wish-Granting powers originated from are yet to be revealed. It’s not often one sees him use magic/powers directly – rather he uses it in a very inconspicuous manner. However Sir Seil’s manipulation of shadows is grand. He is the Shadow. He is one of the few skilled enough to use both forms Shadow and Human simultaneously – which makes me an extremely dangerous opponent. He is able to puppeteer the shadows in any way we wishes, having the power to physically materialise. When his Shadows do materialise they usually appear in the form of a disjointed and angular humanoid with no facial features. They crawl out from the shadows in the surrounding area and do his bidding. In regards to the reaction that demons suffer when purity surrounds them Mr. Seil has a rather high tolerance. That’s not to say that he doesn’t suffer from headaches and nausea for he does, it is merely scarce. When it comes to his darling wife Rosalina, whose purity is extreme it is his love for her that overrules any negative reactions to stir within him. Only on the odd occasion should she be rather problematic and difficult does it affect him – however only mildly. [i][b]Significant/Special Belongings[/b][/i] A slick black cane topped with a giant ruby His Delicate Wife – Rosalina [i][b]Fighting Skills/Techniques[/b][/i] Reficul will usually attempt to dispel the conflict prior or have another fight his physical battle – nothing to do with strength he merely likes to think of himself as more sophisticated than that. However should it arise in which he has no choice but to clash A formidable opponent Mr. Seil does stand - quite a smart fighter. Using the shadows and his materialisations he will usually have several of these creatures fighting for him. They entities are high in strength, speed and agility. They use their sharp claws to slice through even the toughest of Troll skin. They can completely devour an individual and surround them in complete darkness. They can be defeated though means of sheer brawl however the best defence one can have is The Light. It is only in extreme circumstances that Mr. Seil will use his Demonic form. [i][b]Weapon of Choice[/b][/i] His disjointed and angular humanoid shadow creatures. [/center] [hider2=Shadow Appearance][/center] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/fgxdzf_zps72693cf0.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/fgxdzf_zps72693cf0.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center][/hider2] [center][i][b]Job Title & Description[/b][/i] The Wish Master Leader of the Carnival Head Ring Master [i][b]How Many Souls Have You Collected?[/i][/b] All of them… [i][b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival?[/b][/i] I am the Carnival [b]Personality:[/b] Mr Seil, most times, retains an extraordinarily magnetic charm or appeal – defining him as exceptionally charismatic is an understatement. His ability to provoke loyalty in his subordinates through his charm and influence parallels to none. A craft manipulator he influences the behaviour and thoughts of others for his own benefit; to control being a major reason. People become tools that are acquired, used, and cast aside. Mr. Seil is explicitly mindful and awake of his manipulation skills. Pragmatic, logical and free of agitation his mind is and thus succeeding comes naturally and can tackle numerous dilemmas without the interference of emotions; being more inclined to internal thought than external expression. A perfectionist he tolerates nothing below formality and excellence in his presence and consequently generally has unrealistic expectations of others and himself. He will also discipline without compromise if he sees fit. Arrogant in his gifted abilities there exists and air of mystery that surrounds one Mr. Seil and people tend to gravitate towards him. [i][b]Note:[/b] though his temper is well controlled it is not something one wishes to witness. Cruel, malicious and evil take a new form in Mr. Seil. [/i] [i][b]Biography:[/b][/i] Dubbed the ‘Wish Master’ at an early age, Mr. Reficul Seil’s origins or beginnings are obscure and mysterious, known only to him, those of towering rank and those he cherry-picks. Thus his age can only be presumed. A sophisticated and educated demon of stringent demeanor he’s rather difficult to impress. Fret not he does about taking affairs into his own hands often. How he managed to gain permission to manage such a carnival is beyond anyone. He’s main goal in life is to collect souls, however for reasons unknown. Is he collecting them for someone else? Is he in debt? Is Mr. Seil simply a soul collector? These things all add to the mystery that is Reficul Seil. [/center][/hider] [HIDER= Rosalina Bell Seil] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/temp1_zps26d4cec7.png.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/temp1_zps26d4cec7.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [hider2=Appearance] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/rosalina_zps53b6f5bc.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/rosalina_zps53b6f5bc.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center][/hider2] [center][i][b]Age [/b][/i] 26 (Angel years) (1 Angel Year = 10 Human Years) [i][b]Gender[/b][/i] Female [i][b]Species [/b][/i] Angel [i][b]Level of Contamination[/b][/i] Low – Close to none [i][b]Level of Glow[/b][/i] Grand[/center] [hider2=Wings] [center][URL=http://media.photobucket.com/user/ftwe1md/media/_angels_1.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v294/ftwe1md/_angels_1.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center][/hider2] [center] [i][b]Ability to Blend [/b][/i] Difficulty concealing both her wings and intense glow- Mr. Seil usually conceals it for her [i][b]Most Used Power [/b][/i] Rosalina Bell outshines in the elements of air and water; this therefore draws her closer to the power of light. She shines by means of curative charms; healing powers. [i][b]Significant/Special Belongings [/b][/i] The two diamond wedding rings that she possesses (one from her former husband and one from Mr. Seil; however she is only permitted to wear the The Wish Masters) [i][b]Weapon of Choice[/i][/b] If any dares attempt tussle, one answers to Mr. Seil [i][b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival?[/i][/b] One Century [i][b]Personality[/i][/b] Due to Rosalina Bell’s pure and untainted temperament, she exists as sickly sweet. Her delicate, high voice doesn’t vocalize unless necessary. She ascertains that she is a female, the frail gender, and that her position in being is submission to a male in which case he will offer protection. She displays excessive fondness or tenderness through action and deed; she is highly affectionate and she has come to be quite motherly to a lot of those in debt. She has a knack of making those around her feel special and valued. She is marked by unaffected simplicity; a little bit naïve – making her easy to like and protect. Awfully easy to startle to fright Rosalina is extremely delicate and exceedinly fragile. Although Rosalina does not deem everyone to be of equal value she does not act in a way that is demeaning, even when she is being belittled. When engaging in a hostile encounter, Rosalina, akin to a true angel, will attempt to bring accordance before battle. Her affiliation with others is gracious and welcoming – and should one be in need of assistance, be it physical, emotion or mental she is more than willing to provide (that also applies to the collection of souls, she is more than willing to act as an advocate). Due to the blood that flows through her veins she can at times appear to be very difficult to connect with, following her train of thought is easier said than done. [i][b]Biography[/i] [/b] Born into aristocracy Rosalina glistens with purity. Since she was infantile Rosalina was edified in the ways of primeval and rather chauvinist behaviour and ideologies. She has been educated in the original traditions of the angels, predominantly due to her father being an adjudicator of the high court. Rosalina’s chauvinist behaviour is also profoundly influenced due to the lack of her mother who was exiled for heresy by her own husband. High Judge Romiel, Rosalina’s father, was obligated to banish his wife due to her immersed involvement in one of the holy wars. High Judge Romiel forbid even the slightest chance that Rosalina would trail her mother’s footprints and thus as soon as he banished his wife he set about educating his daughter as traditionally as possible. Upon her commencement of becoming a woman she, like all, fell in love and found a life of bliss. Happily married with her adored husband, she birthed two children, twins. However a dark shadow was cast over her life the moment Mr. Seil’s carnival decided to make an appearance in Azure, the magical realm. Without second thought, Rosalina thought she would take her twin children to see the fabulous carnival, unknowing it would start a course of events to alter her perfect life. Obsessed and fixated with the delicate being his eyes laid upon, Mr Seil vowed to own her. Thus soon after a visit to the carnival the events started. First was the death of her husband; mysterious and sudden. Second was the illness of her children. The sneakiness that Mr. Seil sustains, came into play when he made a extemporaneous appearance and offered her the health and long, safe life of her twin children if she sold herself, mind, body and soul to him and became his wife. Rosalina’s relationship with The Wish Master can be difficult to interpret for she appears to be extremely fond of the man and has even fallen in love with him. However there has been few cases in which Rosalina has attempted to flee only to be caught. [/center][/hider] [hider=Andracos Soleviel] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/temp3_zps5d00c612.png.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/temp3_zps5d00c612.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [hider2=Appearance] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/156758636_zps0e09762f.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/156758636_zps0e09762f.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center][/hider2] [hider2= Demonic Appearance] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Andracos_zpse26c3a89.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Andracos_zpse26c3a89.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center][/hider2] [center][i][b]Age[/i][/b] 23 [i][b]Gender[/i][/b] Male [i][b]Species[/i][/b] Half Demon & Half Siren [i][b]Most Used Power (Demonic and Siren)[/i] [/b] Andracos, having been born of a demon and siren, sustains the ability to manipulate both the elements and a deadly attraction power. Since his main source of power stems from the poison that flows in his blood, he has learnt some elemental poison magic stemming from earth and water. The advantages of grasping these two elements have allowed this demon/siren to manipulate his true power of poison to perilous degrees. He sustains the ability to turn water to a death drink without any hint of alteration. The talent of complete paralysis with a single bite. A single scratch of his nail allows for injection. Andracos can be seen wearing gloves at all times, only taking them off when wishing to poison another with his claws. He seems to surprise vastly with his venomous abilities. In regards to his attraction powers he is able to release a love hormone similar to oxytocin which provokes feelings of euphoria and to manipulate it as he sees fit. [i][b]Significant/Special Belongings[/i][/b] Himself [i][b]Fighting Skills/Techniques[/i] [/b] “The flow of blood gushing like a stream out of wounds is ever such a dainty sight” Andracos Theatrical combat; a multi-disciplinary performance art that combines brawling with elements of fencing, martial arts, dance, music and melodramatic movement to allow the fracas to appear rehearsed and choreographed. [i][b]Weapon of Choice[/i] [/b] His cane and generally anything he can get his hands on [i][b]Job Title & Description[/i][/b] Snake Charmer Advertiser/Attractor of various stalls Magician Anything he feels like on the day [i][b]Number of Souls You Have to Collect[/i][/b] 800 000 (Original contract) [b]Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: [/b] 100 [b]What Was Your Wish? [/b] To produce /unleash his demonic side & form (Original contract) [b]How Many Souls Have You Collected? [/b] 800 000 + (bound to be all) [b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? [/b] 250 years [b]How the Collection of Souls has affected your character (negatively or positively): [/b] [i]“Distress or anguish thy for merely collecting souls? I think not.”[/i] Rather pleased with himself that he does so very well – no other mental or emotion stress. [b]Personality: [/b] [i]"If thou dost lack in desire, thy simply ought to harvest it from the foliage and if thy so desire ‘Pretty Polly’ thou has thy way with she.”[/i] Charming and very charismatic, Andracos can have any girl swoon over him. Charming, engaging, theatrical Andracos is very much a lady’s man. Unfortunately it is not good thing should he take an interest in one. Beaten, raped and murdered is generally how a girl will be found when Andracos takes an interest in them. Nevertheless he’s quite the romantic, and is seeking the perfect female – one he doesn’t deem a dirty whore worthy of being raped. The sick thing is that majority of females attempt to be that girl. Despite being a rapist and murderer, Andracos has a strangely innocent, schoolboy-like charm. Andracos perpetrates gruesome acts of violence for no better reason, it seems, than that he likes to. Andracos himself doesn’t have a better explanation for his actions. Simply taking pleasure in being evil the way other people take pleasure in being good. He explains that he enjoys seeing blood flow and calls it “beautiful” or “lovely. He enjoys the power he has over people, even his fellow hoodlums. Though at times he feels sad and low, he doesn’t appear to feel any empathy with his victims. The violent life is just a feel-good game to him. [b]Biography: [/b] His sexy siren mother was viciously raped by a sinister demon and from the moment he was conceived, Andracos’ mother feared him. Thus he was orphaned at a young age by his mother, Andracos grew up on the rough streets of the underworld. Being forced to learn survival at such a young age results with him being true fighter; street smart. Andracos was 6 years old when he found himself without a mother and without a home. He has never remembered what horrible deed he committed in order to scare his mother so much that she abandoned him. Soon after his initiation into the streets he found himself imprisoned by a group of adrift vampires. He had multiple uses to them through the years of imprisonment – a blood source, a sexual toy, a slave, a haggling tool. Whatever ‘evil’ had scared his mother was, for that time, suppressed. He saw and experienced a side of the underworld that not many do. It was when he was 10 years of age that the suppressed evil that lurked inside him erupted and he slaughtered each of his imprisoners. Peacekeepers rushed to the ghastly scene and believed not the words that Andracos spoke about being their prisoner – the reasoning why, to this very day, that he despises Peacekeepers. It is hard to decipher whether or not his psychological state is due to his bloodline, his abandonment, his imprisonment or all three. He found himself constantly fleeing - he found himself very lonesome and yearned not to be. For over 10 years Andracos was a powerful leader of the unwanted - developing a rather hefty criminal gang of similar delinquents whilst on the streets, ‘The Valach’. There is not a soul in the underworld who knows not of this criminal gang. However greed got the better of Andracos and upon hearing of the Wish Master, Andracos sort him out in order to gain more power and skills, wishing to manipulate more of his demonic nature with ease. Andracos has completed his contract - he completed it rather fast actually. He only stays now so as to assist Pachid with completing his quota. Because of the notion that he is not bound by contract he has the impression that the rules of the carnival apply not to him – however this is not the case and because of his ‘ways’ Mr. Seil will not promote him to a commander.[/center][/hider] [hider=Vincent Nicolas] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/temp4_zps13df88e6.png.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/temp4_zps13df88e6.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [hider2=Appearance] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/6a00d8341c4fe353ef016761fb6e66970b_zpsf66c2015.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/6a00d8341c4fe353ef016761fb6e66970b_zpsf66c2015.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center][/hider2] [center][b][i]Age[/b][/i] 18 (Angel years) [b][i]Gender[/b][/i] Male [b][i]Species[/i][/b] Demon [b]Fallen Angel[/b] [i][b]Most Used Power[/b][/i] Vincent’s abilities stem from the influence of earth and water which for him results with the manipulation of Electricity - a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles. The outcome is gifting him with craft, shape and manipulation over electric fields, charges, currents and the likes. [b][i]Significant/Special Belongings[/i][/b] His birth father’s ring with the family crest – though he shows no one. [b][i]Fighting Skills/Techniques[/i][/b] His powers grant him the ability to generate lightning by increasing high frequency vibrations of power. The electricity, depending on the target, can paralyse so that he is able to leave them vulnerable to a finishing strike. Vincent has the ability to ‘charge’ himself and, thus making him stronger, faster and more powerful than his uncharged state. [b][i]Weapon of Choice[/b][/i] His Powers [i][b]Job Title & Description[/i][/b] Yet to Decide [b][i]Number of Souls You Have to Collect[/i][/b] 5 Million [b][i]Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls[/b][/i] 500 [i][b]What Was Your Wish?[/b][/i] Immortality [i][b]How Many Souls Have You Collected? [/b][/i] 0 [i][b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? [/b][/i] He’s just arrived [i][b]How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? [/b][/i] No affect as of yet [i][b]Personality [/b][/i] In general Vincent is an overconfident, vindictive yet oddly cool guy. He believes himself far superior than all others because of his family’s blood lineage in addition to their great wealth and social standing. He was once a pure angel however found himself falling due to the anger suppressed deep within him. Anger; rage for things taken away from him. This rage stems from his childhood and only when one pushes his buttons does it surface. His anger toward others is seen in his passive aggressive behaviour. Vincent’s decision making is almost entirely determined by emotion, not rationality which can put him in quite risky situations. He is independent and adaptable - swiftly observing patterns in external events and developing long range explanatory perspectives. Leadership runs through his veins and he tends to strive for perfection. Astute and quiet perceptive Vincent has a blatant disregard for the thoughts of others and has a tendency to brag. Although at time he can act like the prototypical, spoilt, rich brat he can actually be quiet nonchalant enjoyable to be around. [i][b]Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?[/b][/i] Born into a noble angelic family, Vincent remembers little of his parents for he lost both his father and mother at a young age. However he remembers his father’s voice and his mother’s eyes. Though he can’t remember her face he remembers his mother being extremely beautiful. After the death of his parents, he and his sister where brought up by their God Parents. Vincent and sister fought sickness for much of their lives for they were cursed as infants. The sickness consumed his sister; she died. Luckily Vincent’s immune system has managed to fight off the virus each time it has surfaced. Though out all of his life there has been a rage that burns deep within him and it first flared at the death of his angelic parentals and flared viciously once again at the death of his sister - due to this flame he has fallen from grace. He is no longer considered an angel but rather a fallen one. In fact fell at quite a young age. Healers believe that it is this contamination of purity that shields him from the viciousness of the virus. Purity was something his sister did not lose. Having taken the name of his God Parents and the ways of their family, he for years laboured within the council of the angels. It was here that he discovered the truth about his parent’s death and the curse that ended his sister’s life. Discontented with notion that the council could take no action he choose to take matters into his own hands – he has chosen to avenge his family. He knew there are few ways in which he could succeed with his avenging. Thus the idea of becoming immortal, ‘truly immortal’ consumed him. And it is through this ‘immortal obsession’ that led him to the Wish Master; someone whom apparently can grant any and all of your heart’s desires. [/center] [/hider] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Whiteswirl_zps900b6500.png.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Whiteswirl_zps900b6500.png[/IMG][/URL][/center]