Name: Aksaja Dragon age: teen Age from hatching: 230 Gender: Male Magic: in his current dragon age Aksaja is able to shoot out a blast of electrical power from his mouth, and although he hasn't been able to control it he has the ability to charge metal objects with his electrical blast, naturally if he tries this then the metal is overcharged from heat and ends up just melting instead of becoming the trail to blacking out a city he hopes to achieve. Dragon looks: [img=] in the picture he only has his front claws and prefers to slither on the ground Compact looks: [img=] in his compact form he has his scales going down his arms and his claws only appear as sharp nails Personality: Aksaja is a hard worker and trains hard to be a strong dragon someday. while Aksaja is a hard worker that doesn't mean he doesn't like humor and having fun, he usually has a sarcastic comment ready for anyone that tries to put him down, he is considered a hard worker to himself and a dragon obsessed with getting stronger by others. Although Aksaja never known his father and the fact that his mother doesn't say much about him considering what happened Aksaja still tries his best to practice and be a great lightning dragon someday. Aksaja can also be defensive when someone tries to hurt his family or any friends he made, sometimes being considered over protective or overstepping his boundaries on someone. Background: Aksaja was born from a rather large nest of 12 eggs. His mother was a water dragon while his father was a earth dragon they both were good parents at least that was told to Aksaja. Before he was born however his mother and father were attacked by dragon hunters on their way to the tribe after having Aksaja and his siblings. The ambush was very well planned in the sense that they killed Aksaja's father and unfortunately 6 of his brothers/sisters that he was carrying with him while his mother was wounded badly before making it to the tribe where they helped her. Aksaja was born last of the 6 that remained but it was considered above average time for a child to hatch from his egg, Aksaja's mother also had to do something different with him compared to the other children and while his brothers and sisters were left alone Aksaja needed to have himself put under the ground, or more specifically he needed to be underground with most of the top of his egg sticking upwards and clear. Aksaja then partially dug himself out of his egg to see his remaining family waiting for him. ((forgive me if my background isn't very good, I don't do a lot of dragon rps so im unsure what to really write))