The small creature clad in the orange jumpsuit never stopped glaring at the reporter. He snarled and spit, only taking his eyes away for a moment. He leaned over to his large, wooden friend and spoke in a hushed tone. "Can you believe this shit?" Rocket glanced up at Groot, who apparently was more entertained by a loose piece of bark on his shoulder than what Rocket had to say. "Oh come on, cut that out people are watching." Groot frowned and lowered his arm. As Rocket turned his attention back to reporter he caught Groot picking at the same piece of bark again. Rocket sighed and rolled his eyes. [b]Why do I even try?[/b] His ears twitched as he heard his named mentioned. He smirked and took a step forward, "It was actually a pretty simple plan. We had to get Quill here out of the prison to get our reward. In order to do it, I needed three things; a guards security band, the battery from the Security Watch Tower, and the confirmation that people like you think they could me in one of your prisons. I've escaped 23 times and if you think you're gonna keep me locked up, you're sadly mista-" "I am Groot." Groot leaned forward. Rocket looked at him for a moment before a grin began to spread across his face. He began to snicker, "No I wasn't going to mention the leg." "I am Groot." "I know! I know!" Rocket chuckled, turning back to face the reporter. "Hehehe... Oh, where was I? Oh yeah! The plan. Anyway, once I had all the things I needed, it was just a matter of getting into the tower. Which is a lot easier when you have a giant wrecking ball and a master assassin on your side." Drax looked like he was going to chime in with a comment, but the reporter interrupted him. "So you not only removed an internally-wired device, most likely fatally, but you also started a prison riot that resulted in the deaths of multiple staff members?" "Hey! That technically wasn't our fault. All we did was put the place on high alert. If the guards couldn't handle it, maybe you should find people who can actually do their job. Am I right?" Rocket chuckled a few times glancing around at the other Guardians, looking to see if anyone else was laughing as well.