a random idea I got. Name: Siabel Dragon age: Teen Age from hatching: 201 Gender:Female Magic: Air magic. She is prone to create slow cold and hot winds, which she can use to create a form of illusion. She can breath in all the air in a few meters around her, or rich it up with oxygen until the smallest thing do into make it explode. She Is trying to make cutting winds but its hard for her to aim or control where they go. She can use her magic to make her extremely fast flyer and even mess with other dragons flying by manipulating the air pressure under their wings. Dragon looks: [hider=Siabel] [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/7db46aa012b5767f095ae35460db20ab/http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q66/librei/Black_Dragon_In_Air_2.jpg[/img] [/hider] Compact looks: [hider=Siabel] [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111216085724/thegungancouncil/images/c/c9/Beautiful,destroy,inc,dress,fancy,fashion,haute,couture,runway,steampunk,woman-1ff6de45ebad361504899d89ed114060_i.jpg[/img] She keeps her black tail at times she hides it under skirt at times she doesnt. [/hider] Personality: She is in her rebellious age. She would do anything to make the old dragons snarl at her, only to then remind them that every dragon has the right to live how they want. She likes to laugh and play with humans. From which she thinks the only right way to deal with is to make them fear the dragons and then have obeying them. She can be bitter but tends to enjoy to question other dragons, not only about their life but to make them go in a serious debate about humans. Background: Her egg was stolen from her father and when she hatched human priests were surrounding her. She was kept in a golden cage and were preyed too. They were nice enough but they saw her as a object, a object of great important. When she first turned in her compact form it was a young child. They moved her to have her own room. But she was over time bored, demanding to be given stuff. They didnt, saying they dont want to ruin her pure dragon blood with books and toys that were made by humans. She kept on demanding until one day her magic didnt show she took a deep breath in holding it in and suffocated a human to death. She didnt understood what just happened but she demanded from the others to give her stuff. And they did what made her extremely happy. Her compact form slowly matured until she wasnt a young woman, and she turned the church priest into her obeying slaves. She was a baby with magic she felt the need to go somewhere, and the day the hunters came demanding the priest to kill her she killed the hunter and fly fast away. She arrived to the main tribe from and jumped to the age of teen. But being surrounded with so many dragons made her fear it. She wasnt used to it and she left the day festival ended, returning to the church. The priestess believe projecting her saying that hunters has no right to hunt on the church ground. She stayed there allowing the silly rituals to be practiced, and in return she was ''projecting'' them from other dragons. Not that any had interest in killing any human they just would fly by, but she would make a big deal out of it, just to remind them to not turn on her. She determent to become a adult dragon and she is coming to the Festival, with her pet human (How she calls her) as company. A 16 year old woman that was given to her when she lately demanded a playmate. [hider=Momo] Name: Honorable Mohon Erma Garret-Scroggs, nicknamed by Siabel Momo Age: 16 Job: Being a company for Siabel, or pet. Looks: [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs46/i/2009/151/7/7/Steampunk_Girl_by_Larkie_Star.jpg[/img] She tends to wear dresses, and is always seen with her bag full of little machines/trinkets. Background & Personality: She was the daughter of a priestess and a inventor her mother died on her birth, her father was mostly busy so the church took care of her. At the age of 4 she was given as company, a pet to the demanding dragon. Her father had no power to retrain his daughter from the church. Pulling himself even more into isolation and creating little things he regularly send to her. She grow with Lady Siabel up. She was the one who taught her to be well mannered, not really enjoying the curious spirit she had. But at times letting her go wander around. She finds dragons beautifully, and wish to know more about them. Plot Idea: Being a human in front of all this dragons, is already a mess up. Especially is she is barely sustaining her curiosity. Being a dragons pet, should keep her safe...or? [/hider]