"The guards dying while regrettable was actually a good thing for them. Shortly after we escaped Ronan attacked the prison. Those who didn't die earlier were wishing they didn't meet their deaths at Ronan's hands. I was able to get a hold of some of the surveillance footage shortly before coming on to this news show." He said news sarcastically. He started playing the security footage. "See that blob on the floor by Ronan's left foot, that is the Warden or rather whats left of him. Ronan beat him to death over the course of twenty minutes. Every guard who died during our escape died in seconds." He then fast forwarded and paused. "He had his head taken off by the hammer via his rectum. I hadn't heard a man scream like that ever." He took the video down. The reporter started to say something but Peter cut her off. "The rest you know. We defeated Ronan and turned over the Infinity Stone to the Nova Corps saving every Xandarian on the planet and any further colonies Ronan would have wiped out. Would like to know more?"