[hider=VELVET ROOM PROLOGUE]"Welcome to the Velvet Room." Within a lounge draped in blue, sat two strange figures. One of them, a tall woman with straight, shining blonde hair that fell to her hips, looks at you, though she is not the one who spoke. Much like the velvet curtains draped over the windows, this woman's uniform was almost entirely blue, with only a black belt and shoes adding to her colour palette. On the cerulean sofa beside her, was a much shorter man, who slowly raised his head. Despite his tengu-like nose, and wide, bloodshot eyes, you sensed no hostility from him. If anything, he gave the impression of a strange, yet likable uncle. "This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter." The strange man spoke as he waved an arm over the table before him. Several tarot cards were laid out, four rows of five. Grinning with anticipation, he picked one card up, seemingly at random, staring at it for a moment before saying, "It has been a long time since I entertained multiple guests. I look forward to the results of this meeting." It is at this moment that the presence of others beside you becomes known. To your eyes, they are simply faceless figures that make no noise. Again, there seems to be no hostility in them. "You possess the potential to carve an interesting future," spoke the woman at last, her voice authoritative, despite the carefree expression she wore, "with so many guests, I cannot wait to see the possibilities of the future." The man nodded, steeping his fingers as he leaned forward. "Do not concern yourself with that, for the moment," he said, his eyes continuing to stare unblinkingly at the small gathering before him, "when you wake up, please consider your role in this tale. To be a major or minor player, is entirely your choice. When we next meet, please tell me how you will continue." And with that, the blue lounge began to fade from view as the woman rose to her feet. The words she said were barely audible as your consciousness faded...[/hider] -------------------- Okay then, Persona RP time! In a nutshell, the lovely little town of Warakuma is experiencing a bit of a Badly-Behaved-Teenager-itis epidemic. Since this is a tad unusual, quite a few people are concerned about this, but can't really do much about it. Because, really, what's even the cause? How do you cure cults? Who's doing the brainwashing? THINK OF THE CHILDREN! Unbeknownst to the world at large, however, the true cause isn't something... normal. See, it turns out there's another world out there. A world that can only be accessed under certain conditions. See, all you need is a large mirror, magic powers, and or something with said magic powers to shove you inside, and voila! You're inside the Reverse World. Or Mirror World. Or Flip-Floppity Land. Putting that aside, this place is quite dangerous, as it's teeming with 'Shadows'. They're pretty horrible monsters that would very much like to devour you. If you want to have any chance of surviving, you're going to need to evoke the power of Persona. How do you do that, you ask? Well... you'll know, once you need to know. ----------------------------------------------- For now, here's some rules for ya. [*]Standard 'No God-Moding', No harrassment', 'no meta-gaming' etc. stuff applies.[/*] [*]One character per Tarot, if only to enforce diversity.[/*] [*]Relatedly, stick to Personas within your arcana, please. If you're using someone or something that's not been Persona'd before, try and have them match the typical traits of the arcana as closely as possible.[/*] [*]No Maragadyning things from the very beginning, please.[/*] ------------------------------------------- Now then... the current list of available Arcana: [hider=PERSONA] [*]0 [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Fool_Arcana]Fool[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=4#post-1701705]Shinichi Rui[/url][/*] [*]I [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Magician_Arcana]Magician[/url][/*] [*]II [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Priestess_Arcana]Priestess[/url][/*] [*]III [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Empress_Arcana]Empress[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=24#post-1752828]Hamada Leiko[/url][/*] [*]IV [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Emperor_Arcana]Emperor[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1673648]Sutoraike Kaminari[/url][/*] [*]V [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Hierophant_Arcana]Hierophant[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1672931]Yoshida Akemi[/url][/*] [*]VI [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Lovers_Arcana]Lovers[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=8#post-1714824]Chiaki Nettu[/url][/*] [*]VII [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Chariot_Arcana]Chariot[/url][/*] [*]VIII [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Justice_Arcana]Justice[/url] - Reserved by Cerberus0807[/*] [*]IX [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Hermit_Arcana]Hermit[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1674232]Ayano Wakahisa[/url][/*] [*]X [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Fortune_Arcana]Fortune[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=6#post-1706946]Hashimoto Sato[/url][/*] [*]XI [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Strength_Arcana]Strength[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=3#post-1693341]Noboru Yamamoto[/url][/*] [*]XII [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Hanged_Man_Arcana]Hanged Man[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1677106]Seth Hayate[/url][/*] [*]XIII [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Death_Arcana]Death[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=9#post-1715172]Yangai Shiki[/url][/*] [*]XIV [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Temperance_Arcana]Temperance[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1675715]Kato Usagi[/url][/*] [*]XV [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Devil_Arcana]Devil[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1673399]Yanagi Midori[/url][/*] [*]XVI [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Tower_Arcana]Tower[/url][/*] [*]XVII [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Arcana]Star[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=26#post-1759167]Ishihara Teiji[/url][/*] [*]XVIII [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Moon_Arcana]Moon[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1673749]Mogami Sachiko[/url][/*] [*]XIX [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Sun_Arcana]Sun[/url][/*] [/hider] [hider=Non-Persona Characters] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/54566/posts/ooc?page=20#post-1738748]Wakahisa Yakudatsu[/url] [/hider] Note: Given the high number of available arcana, I'd rather we add to the list gradually, instead of unleashing an army of Persona users. While you can still make a claim, it may be a while before you can use a Persona. Of course, I'll make sure there's other things to do when not spelunking alien worlds. Plus, feel free to play a non-Persona user. That should make things... varied. And now, have a sign-up sheet. [*]Name:[/*] [*]Age:[/*] [*]Appearance: Pictures and descriptions accepted.[/*] [*]Arcana:[/*] [*]Personality:[/*] [*]Equipment/Skills:[/*] [*]Background: Backstory stuff here. Not entirely necessary, really.[/*] [*]Persona:[/*] [*]Appearance:[/*] [*]Abilities:[/*] ----------------- Okay then... any questions?