Connor took in a deep breath and tried to calm down and move past the storm of emotions created by the news of the serial killer. It was over and done with. The man had been caught and promptly dealt with. Still it didn’t ease the niggling in the back of his mind of how it could have happened and would it happen again? He dragged his attention back to the front as the briefing continued, itching to get out of the auditorium and to the mining pods to get to work. He didn’t know what kind of condition the previous engineers left them in. He didn’t react much when Abby suggested that anyone in a leadership role introduce themselves. He did shift a bit closer to the edge of his seat because the phrase ‘head out’ was uttered and he was ready to get going. Propping his elbow on an arm rest he rested his temple against his fist as he watched a few people stand up and introduce themselves. A lot of people had worked on the [i]Copernicus[/i] so it was impossible to know every face and name of those in leadership roles, especially if the people of Third Shift had changed. “Connor.” Blinking at the whispered sound of his name he craned his neck back to see a Elizabeth Charles, aka “Charlie” trying to get his attention. He smiled at the older woman’s familiar face and waved his hand slightly. Charlie made a ‘stand up’ motion with her hand and Connor frowned in confusion for a few moments before it clicked. [i]Oh crap that’s right, I’m the specialist for the mining ships.[/i] He made a face at the thought of standing up and introducing himself in a room of two hundred some odd people. He shook his head and promptly slipped down in his seat until he disappeared from Charlie’s sight. [i]Great job Douglass, you’re a real professional.[/i] He sighed, practically feeling Charlie’s disapproving look burning holes through his chair. [i]Sooner you do this, the sooner you can get out of here.[/i] He told himself, slowly pulling himself up properly into the chair and then forcing himself to stand. “Hi,” He began, holding up his hand into a lack-luster wave. “My name is Connor Douglass and I’m the specialist for maintenance of the mining ships. If you are assigned to work on them and you need help with anything you can come find me in Hangar 6.” As soon as he was done talking he sat back down and rubbed at his forehead. He looked behind him at Charlie to see her grinning and giving him two thumbs up. He made a face before sticking his tongue out at her, making her roll her eyes. Yup, completely professional.